
Yeah. Life has been hectic, to say the least. Since my last update, I’m sure everything went about 180% 3 or 4 times now.

The short of it is I’ve been working at a student bookstore that last few weeks. Total change in my sleeping schedule and I’m still not totally adjusted. So when I’m not at work, I’m freakin tired. I’ve gone to bed at 9pm, 8pm, and even 7pm. That’s just not ok to me. 10pm is fine, 11pm is dandy, midnight is a-ok. But anything before 10 is just wasting time. (It’s sorta like how some people think waking up at 10am or 11am is wasting half the day.)

I got my braces off. for those that didn’t know, I had braces now for 4 years. FOUR. YEARS. I had tot get them so late in life due to the surgery i had a few years back. (wow, it’s already been a couple years since surgery?!) I had them take them off a little bit earlier then they wanted because i as patient enough. My teeth and mouth is much better then it was when i was 17. A perfect mouth and perfect smile is just not me, anyways. Sure I’m clean cut and such, but the teeth color and alignment of the mouth is just not a big deal to me. Unless its like looking at a picasso picture done in black and yellow. That’d probably scare me enough to punch someone. Probably the yellow picasso person I’m looking at. And not only looking, but probably staring, slack jawed. Gawking, if you will.

Still no girlfriend. Big suprise there. and now all my friends have once again left me for their pesky reality things they got going on. One is in LA trying to break through into hollywood. One is in boston, doing some form of music schoolin, or at least, supposed to be doing.

Cousin is in CA doing something stupid, I’m sure. The rest are scattered. Or in a relationship.

You know how when you hang out with some people who are a couple, and you jsut absolutely hate it? You notice all the shit they make fun of others for doing? Like the PDA. I’m not exactly the offendable type, but it is more like gut wrenching when i hear my friends kissing and shit. I hate it. I don’t do it around them because i know they would hate it, but hey, i gues I’m just more curtious.

And the fucking baby talk. I hate that more then cheney hates homos. Seriously. Use your normal fucking voice.

And they all do it. They mock others then turn around and make the same goddaned baby kissy voices they were complaining about not 15 minutes before from someone else. Makes me want to gouge at eyes with knives.

Anyways! I’m working with a bunch of attractive looking girls, but I’m ay to shy to actully try to approach these girls about anything other then being work realted. Plus, I can’t tell which of these are sleepers. You know. The type of person you think has it somewhat together (nobody is perfect) but then a week into you realize jsut about everything they do and say is a lie and really they are the most fucked up person you’ve ever met. Yeah. I don’t deal well with that.
I’ll say it again. It’s no wonder I’m still single. I’d rather be single though, then loose all self respect and go all baby kissy whiney bitchy.

I think thats enough for a while. I’ll maybe write later when i need to vent some more. 🙂

As always,
AIM: Ziktick
Thought of the moment: Ahh reformats.

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Man, I hope that Ian and I weren’t that bad. I try to be respectful of others and not engage in PDA, and certainly hope we never got into that baby talk crap. I completely understand your frustration. Let me know if I get irritating, in general, I like to know how I’m being perceived by others. Anyway, hope things are going well. We should get together…

(continued) I happen to have a certain game that was left in my car that might be fun to play 😉 Give me a call and we’ll get together. ~Nicole

September 2, 2005

*LOL* I do baby talk with John and he HATES it. So, I’m trying to stop that. Sad thing is, I don’t even realize I’m doing it. Oh well. RYN: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR NOTE. Your totally right. Though it sucks, she did use me this last year or so and I can’t handle having her do it again. Trust is none exstistent and she doesn’t realize that or acts like she doesn’t. *sigh* XOXOXO,

September 8, 2005

Even when I am in a relationship I hate that stuff. I mean, some PDA is great, but that over the top bs is just plain creepy and disgusting. So yeah. To top that whole speech off. *mwah* A kiss from me to you. lol