A letter.

Ok, I have no recollection of this letter. But I found this today. Enjoy!

December 22, 2004

Dear Fazzolis,

Your pizza usage is killing kittens! I demand that you cease and desist in your pizza creation. If you understand, you will acknowledge it by never replying to this letter ever.

Thank you.


Ian Olsen (I have green hair)

P.S. Fuck ya’ll.

As always,
AIM/MSN: Ziktick(@hotmail.com for MSN users) feel free to contact me. – jhoffoss@gmail.com

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January 8, 2005

Ha! When did he write that?

January 8, 2005

How the heck is that and what is he talking about?? *scratches head* I’m so confused!!!

I think that Bill wrote that the night that we all went to Fazolli’s after I tried to make pasta.

January 8, 2005

Bill wrote i think along with myself. I added the ian part, if im not mistaken. and ian added the P.S.