Why are all of my entries so short now?

Hmm, interesting question.
In other news, the Bravia looks ace with the 360 using VGA output, but my trusty old DVD player is showing its age in 575i. I’m wondering whether I should spend the money and get an upscaling DVD player so the signal is at least scaled to 720p (max res of the Bravia). I could use the 360 as a DVD player, but firstly it isn’t multi-region, and secondly I’m not realy a fan of using consoles for DVD playback.

I gave the old LG 66cm widescreen CRT to A_Spec. I can’t say I’ll miss that telly much, but at least it’s gone to a good home where it will get some use until he can affort something better. I must say that moving that thing around was a pain in the ass, and I’m glad that the CRT days are behind us now.

Spent the weekend with Chibi-R and A_Spec, which was great, and Australia won the cricket, which doesn’t actually give me as much joy as India losing. All in all, I wouldn’t mind it if Sri-Lanka took the series, but Australia seems to be a little too strong.

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February 24, 2008

Upscaling DVD players are pretty cheap.

February 24, 2008

Me no speaky what electro-thingie speak Nav is speaking…. Ummmm… speaky…. ya… *wanders off looking lost*

February 25, 2008

I heard that HD was going out and Blu Ray was on it’s way to the top because of Toshiba’s latest shenanigans. I’d probably invest there.