notelog | The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
19th August 2006
2nd priority (ep 3)
Popular anime is either popular because it’s genuinely good, or because it’s exceedingly simple. This series falls gracelessly into the later. Three episodes and a half-a-dozen cliches later and my impressions are yet to change.
19th August 2006
2nd priority (ep 9)
I may have been slightly hasty in judging this one too soon, but nine eps in and it still hasn’t done anything particularly impressive. Sure, there may be slightly more to the narrative than at first seems, but what more there is still isn’t too far from a few fairly ordinary cliches. None of the characters are particularly endearing, but this is probably because they’re so readily drawn from the standard character staples of popular anime. Not long to go now.
26th August 2006
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