
reality is a thin veil – strong nevertheless. beneath it lies the truth of psychological existing – objects are not clinical physical entities, but are viewed through perception – tagged with memories, emotions or triggers. objects without memory or emotion tags can disappear completely – the physical image is received by the retina, but filtered from consciousness by the active mind. this is how we see the world – each of us with our own perception and understanding of it. we do not see a ceiling as 2.64 meters high – we see it in reference to our own height, in reference to the height of others in the room, we compare it to the height of other ceilings we remember of which we reference in exactly the same manner.

normality is an illusion. with the capacity to be dynamic, we actually are always constantly referencing, re-referencing, and interpreting our own world in totally different ways to one another. there is no reality that exists where any two perceptions can be compared and judged as the same. diversity is not merely inevitable, but is a fact of our existence. it is a truth that cannot be changed, a law that is written into the very fabric of life. accepting diversity then, is not an option – it also is a truth written into the fabric of life. we are diverse. our perceptions not will, or can be different – they simply are. no two are alike, no two can be the same. this is absolutely no reason for fear. diversity is a natural element of the laws of reality, that we should fear it is illogical.

attempting to establish a level of normality by which individuals can be grouped together and regarded as the same is abnormal. the long-term effects of establishing this culture are violent and damaging, and only contribute to the decline of humanity.

no-one is the same, no-one will ever be the same. the sooner humanity understands this, the sooner it will stop being so self-absorbed and full of fear.

seek others not to accept one-another, but to challenge one-another, grow as individuals, and further increase diversity.


May 30, 2010

I love this piece, I’m slightly surprised at the insight given my age at the time but nevertheless, it’s a fairly standard thing to think I guess. While I love the insight, it was written in a time when I had more belief in people. Which I now almost completely lack.

Humans won’t change.
Humans don’t change.
We’ve had long enough to prove that; well long enough. I really don’t care for the greater human condition or journey these days. I can account for myself and how I interact with those immediately around me; that is all I care to be accountable for.
Fuck the world; seriously; fuck it.

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