Friday Pragmatism | Brevity, Insulation

I will be brief.

I have been ill and am now recovered. Such is the cycle and I am beginning to identify its patterns, however such knowledge does not make it any less exhausting.

When ill, I place an embargo on my public writing, I’ve done so several times before. This diary continues to be one of the rare places where certain experiences of my life can be translated with the use of a uniquely evolved dialect and such things will always remain private.

I have an affection for the Strangeness, which I have decided to capitalise now. It is exclusive, singular and specific. A public space in which there is no intimacy is not a forum in which I desire to share it, however the nature of an online space serves to facilitate accessibility for me from anywhere I have a connection.

I have considered taking a laptop to Europe next year but have decided to save the money and write everything by hand. Every time I take the opportunity to write in my notebook, strange and beautiful things are translated. There was a time when I much preferred it, though having a fast typing speed does help with expedience. Still though, the ritual of writing by hand is an appropriately romantic one; the very actions themselves contrive to form part of the dialect used when translating.

These secrets I keep from you – specifically. Until you are good enough; if you are ever to be good enough.

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