Breakfast at Tiffany’s liveblog 11:17 PM
“But oh golly! Gee damn!”
I’ve seen this. I’ve seen this exact moment before. I’ve seen it when someone thought they had the straight of something, thought they had control and thought they knew how to play their cards right, but it all collapses in a heap. I never know what to do, there is simply nothing you can say. It’s as momentous as nations going to war and killing thousands of people, your mind struggles to conceive it.
Sometimes some people seem like they can run their whole lives by their charisma and enthusiasm, and their enormous blind faith in themselves almost convinces you, but when they come undone it’s like seeing a seemingly solid building having its totally weak foundations revealed; all you can do is watch as it falls down…
Of-course there is more you can do, as we’re about to see. Ideally we would all love to respond as such and to have things work out this way, and this a big part of what romance is; a celebration of ideals. In reality these ideals are still achievable, but what is impossible to show accurately on the screen is just how much private courage it takes to embrace someone this way.
Oh and poor Cat’s about to get horribly wet!