Breakfast at Tiffany’s liveblog 10:05 PM
My god – what a difference it makes watching this on my own, it’s the first time I have without company and because I wanted to.
Doc is so much more than a throwaway character, there’s so much to him and I really love him. His earnestness, his desperation, everything he symbolises to Holly, I’m not entirely sure that at the time the film was made, people would have been fully sensitive to everything Doc is… wait, what am I saying, they were most likely fully aware of it, or at least a great deal more aware than the average viewer these days. Perhaps things were less abstract back then, and our recent delving into the abstract has really given us a great dialect in the representative, but even back then I think viewers would have at least been sensitive to themes that run deeper than just their subject-matter.
I really wonder at how I would have felt if I were in my mid-twenties watching this film in the early sixties, what my life would have been like. I think the first time around I probably would have been totally distracted by being smitten with Audrey.