As close as you may well get
Things I am tired of:
People who begin entries with ‘Yeah just skip this entry’ etc. because ‘I’m just whinging’ etc.
Bad cameras in games; we’ve just survived 20 years of bad cameras, there is no excuse any more. Why haven’t developers learnt yet?
People who dismiss subjects on the grounds of ignorance.
Naturally, people who perpetuate ignorance.
Poor grammar and articulation.
Bad Asian takeaway.
Things I am inspired by at the moment:
Japanese Minimalist film.
Revisiting the music I listened to in my high-school years.
People who I can openly fall into a discussion about love, culture or immediate-history. (This is indeed rare).
I’m currently fascinated by the evolutions of my thoughts regarding love and intimacy, how my thoughts have changed over the years.
Autumn leaves, which may well be the most beautiful things in the world.
Drumming; I literally get better each and every time I practice.
Pricey Yum-Cha.
Lastly one for Chibi-R: Cheeseburgers, or as I call them, Cheese biscuits, one of the very few things we’ll eat from McDonalds.
I know – how can I list Yum-Cha and then McDonalds? The Cheese biscuit is just one exceptional snack, what can I say.
First off, let me thank you for your note. Second, believe it or not I used to have a diary here back in 2000. Maybe 1999. I keep deleting them because I am unstable. But one thing I’m new to are these signed notes with no comment that you pointed out.
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bad cameras in games is terribly frustrating. i once owned a game cube and the right analog stick was pretty much a joke. also, i happen to have terrible grammar, sorry. one question though, if you call cheeseburgers cheese biscuits, what do you call it when you have just have biscuits with cheese?
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cheese biscuits??? RYN: no offence taken- and in reply, i have no idea why i do it. I know it is hurting me, but the thought of walking away hurts more- it is a self-destructive spiral, but i don’t know what to do.
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NOMNOMNOM You’ve made me hungry for a cheeseburger…. and a good game.
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