All coffee and no meds makes nav a paranoid boy

This weekend I got several things done, the least of which was some spring cleaning of the floor of my bedroom. The potatoes have been harvested, and the floor is now visible, quite a bit of it too. My next two projects will be the CD shelves and the DVD and book shelves. Those will be whole events on their own.

Two films this weekend; Beowulf and Su-ki-da (it’s meant to be written that way).

First Beowulf.
Em, I gave it 6.
It wasn’t that it was particularly bad, but it wasn’t particularly good either. The heavy warning against infidelity and all of the ensuing symbolism is clear, and some of the graphics are fan-stonking-tastic. Some of the graphics however, are downright silly and of the standard of a video-game cut-scene which pretty much breaks the mood. Also, the overall tone of the film is just a bit dull and uninteresting. Perhaps it just wasn’t my flavour. Remember that 6 is still on the good side of 5, so at least I enjoyed myself a fair bit.

But of-course, for every mediocre film, there is a triumph; Hiroshi Ishikawa’s Su-ki-da (I love you). Hiroshi Ishikawa would be the legendary director of my favourite film of all time Tokyo.Sora, and Su-ki-da is his second film. Like Tokyo.Sora, it is an extremely minimalist and graceful piece that studies what many would consider the most ordinary actions of characters. The truth is that in amazing subtlety, Ishikawa reveals the most intimate of emotions in everyday living and minimal dialogue. Furthermore, his sense of photography is unparalleled, and Su-ki-da is every bit as beautiful as Tokyo.Sora.
I gave it 9.

That crosses off one of my pile of roughly 20 DVDs (full features) to watch, most of them foreign films… from non-English speaking nations, you know, where the good films come from.

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December 2, 2007

I’ve heard only bad things about Beowulf, so I’m not going to see it at the cinema. There was a version of the story starring Christopher Lmabert released in 1999 which I liked despite how crappy it was, so I’ll not ruin it by watching this one.