Holy Cheeseballs…I’m back…

I’m…uh…I’m going to start again.

It’s been a long, horrible, draining ride. I think it’s absolutely poignant that I am picking up where I left off.

Updates will come. But as for my last entries?

It only took another 8 years, but I left the most emotionally abusive relationship I never saw coming.

I’ve come a long way in the almost 10 months since I finally (and literally) walked out the door, but I still have so many lingering triggers.

…is anyone still out there?

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April 8, 2020


I’m heeeeeeeeeeere!  🙂  WELCOME BACK! And congratulations on having the guts to walk out and putting yourself first.

April 8, 2020

Welcome! You did it! A a strong thing and each day its easier and you are stronger

April 8, 2020

I’m seeing more posts like this, coming back from a long hiatus from OD. For me it’s been since 8th grade. I am nearly 30, unfortunately was not able to recover my diary, but I do have it saved on a CD when that was available for backup (funny as hell)

Welcome back. I’m glad that you finally left that relationship! That is never easy, but I’m proud of you for leaving! The triggers can stay for a while- I realized a month ago that I may have PTSD based on some of the things I’m noticing that trigger me. I still flinch and still react certain ways to things.

April 8, 2020

I’m glad you are back, holy cheeseballs 🙂

Also glad that you have turned a corner and on to a better future, good for you!