One step closer to the end perhaps
The fate of Edward Snowden is still up in the air as well as his new country of residence. I find it amusing myself, to a degree that is, that our government has been openly busted for spying on its own citizens and for violating our right to privacy. If a private citizen was to commit the same act that our own government has committed that person would be arrested and charged with stalking and invasion of privacy but as we all know, our Powers That Be are ABOVE the law for they ARE the law.
I’m sure that there is more to the Snowden story than what we are told and for a change we have to give the conspiracy theorist props because they were right, atleast this time, meaning that Big Brother is watching us. It is a shame though that Snowdens life as he once knew it is over and forever changed as well as his families like he left here in the states. Nothing will ever be the same for any of them and if the US is successful in getting him in custody he will spend the rest of his life in prison but most likely killed in an "accident" of some sorts.
If our countries forefathers could see what has happened to all they fought for and to give to us, the people, they would spin in their graves because of all the atrocities that have been and that are still being committed by those in charge. It’s almost as if we are living in a new communist regime and about the only way to turn things around is to get all those in office in Washington D.C. out of there and start over. That is easier said then done sad to say. It’s true we could impeach the President BUTTTT that wouldn’t take him out of office……remember the Clinton impeachment??? Voting all the others out of office is next to impossible and unless things were to change for the better there are and would be more just like if not worse waiting in line to take their place.
Are we and our beloved country one step closer to the end??? Are we living in the end times of our nation as we know it??? Will we fall like other countries??? Maybe we just have to hit rock bottom before things will improve. Why can’t we learn from past mistakes now instead of waiting till the bottom falls out???
Our rights are being infringed upon on a daily basis and are also being slowly stripped away by our own government and things need… they HAVE to change and change now before it’s to late and we become like that of the once great Roman Empire, great but now fallen.
Could not have said it better myself.
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