
Ignorant, stupid, naive

you think that when you see me

when you talk to me

you think you know everything there is to know about me

You are Wrong

You don’t feel the pain

the pain of hundreds as they fight for a release

the thoughts of those tormented by grief echo in my head

the knowledge of the things that cause pain

I am a gate, I release the pain others feel

I take it off their shoulders if only for a time

Thier thoughts I safeguard in my own

I see the people who are inside

I know you when I look into your eyes

I know if you are good or bad

hurt or lost

free and happy

or alone and forsaken

You think you know me

I know you in every way

remember this

you only see the face I want you to see

than face is not the real me

but I know YOU in every way

Don’t underestimate me, that is your worst mistake,

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