spaghetti trap!,No ID=No Alcohol, job interview
At my job they are supporting March for Dimes. One of our people who work with us cooked over a hundred pounds of spaghetti and they are selling it to the people who work there $5 a plate and donating the money to March of Dimes. Whoever this woman is really knows how to cook. When I first bought me a plate. I ate till I got sick than 2 days in a row I brought spaghetti home for my family. Both of these 2 days in a row I barely left when I got a phone call asking me if I am willing to work I of course went after all I need the money! Due to the dinner March for Dimes got $15 in donations from me and several hundred dollars from the other people who work with me! The dinner was a great idea I hope they have the urge to do it again! 🙂 YUM
I had a customer who cussed me out because I asked for his ID for his alcohol purchase. He felt I wasn’t important because I am just a cashier. Yes I am just a cashier big deal. I can be fined if I don’t ID you. It doesn’t matter if you look 12 of 290 years old I always need your ID. Call me anything you want I don’t care!No ID = no cigarettes,beer,paint or fireworks. I don’t care if you fought in Vietnam for my rights. I still will ID you! My job may not mean much to you but it means much to me. Cuss me all you want. I don’t care! All I care if my customers are served correctly and my bills are paid! My manager had to explain to the customer its the law and we have no control of that law. The customer decided to reason the with manager but I was a "bitch" he came in and while I IDed him he told me fought in Vietnam and he needed better respect. I just rolled my eyes at him and gave him with alcohol at he continued to cuss obscenities as he walked out the door! Reminder to self find a job that doesn’t require alcohol sales!
Speaking of jobs I got a phone call and I have a job interview on the 22nd for the Boy Scout Jamboree! I have to come in on the 22nd. I hope Kmart will please give me the day off. If they don’t I will have to tell them that I will come in late. I really need this Boy Scout job for 2 weeks. For $12 an hour I could pay down one of my loans and pay for some of my bills. I am going to have to take 2 weeks off from Kmart’s but I am sure taking a break from them and working for another company is pretty welcoming for at least a while. If I don’t get the job with The Boy Scout Jamboree I intend to try to get a second job. I try to earn what’s mine and I try to pay the bills to keep it. Call me what you want but a hard worker will be one of them! Kmart is a bit upset about this but they have to understand I am working on bettering myself.
Yesterday I went around looking for yard sales with my mom and dad. We do that on weekend basis as a family tradition. I ended up buying a jade dragon for fifty cents my Asian themed bathroom. I am still not done working on it but I am pleased to say I manage to build the shelves for the bathroom. 🙂 Most people would just charge everything to a credit card and pay payments but I don’t believe in having credit cards it might take me longer to decorate my house and organize it but at least I can pay that it will all be mine and not a credit card companies. I got enough problems owing loans I don’t want to create more problems. I am hoping after I am done with my bathroom my next things I am going to work on is my bedroom. I decided one room at a time. Buy items at thrift shops,yard sales and layaway until I get my dream house. Cheap skate and proud.
I am currently feeling unsuccessful with my life but at least I got a job. I am grateful for the extra hours I got recently I just sometimes get irritated about how I am treated at work. I hope some day I will have enough money to actually have a savings account but until than all I can do is try!