Two things I found interesting

So TV can’t be all that bad. 

I get really pissed when I witness men acting "whipped."  I think it’s pathetic and personally believe that, in a relationship, both people/animals should have equal say and not reign supreme over the other.  But, on the other hand, I was casually watching Desperate Housewives tonight.  I guess one of the couples hired a guy to tend their lawn and the guy kept ignoring the wife’s commands in favor of the husbands.  Apparently, he felt that the wife didn’t respect the husband enough, but then the husband responds with a little monologue about how he allows his wife to control him because it gives her a sense of control over her life and a resulting feeling of safety. 

I thought this was an interesting way of looking at this phenomenon.  While I don’t think most men are whipped for this reason, I was glad to see it in a different light.

Prior to that, I was casually watching the Lifetime Movie Network.  Ok, it’s cuz dad turned it on, but whatever.  I was thus introduced to this…

Matthew 6:9-15
This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Interesting.  I think the message here is very powerful.

And a tirade against political commentary : fuck everyone who contributes to political commentary.  Fuck the left wing agenda, fuck the right wing agenda.  MSNBC and Fox News are hammering a massive wedge into the political block that is this country.  I saw a poll on MSNBC about how 11% of Republicans believe that Obama is the Anti-Christ.

Excuse me?  Now I rate myself a bit left of center, and thusly I felt the appeal that the show was trying to play on.  We liberals feel so targeted and abused by the conservatives.  "They," meaning conservative biased media, portray themselves as highly emotional, religious warriors and us liberals as nerdy, Mac-using tree huggers.  This show was striking back at the conservatives and while it felt good, the fact that it felt good convinced me that the show was indeed harmful to the political and intellectual health of America.  All this shit flinging is making compromise nigh on impossible and until mainstream America realizes that these ratings whores are polarizing the nation just to get them to watch their fucking commericals, our society is not going to advance one iota.

So here’s the plan : next time you’re on Fox News or CNN or MSNBC and listening to the outrageously groomed pseudointellectual liberal talkshow host or watching Sarah Palin wave her guns around, remember you’re ruining the country.  Turn to C-Span.  It’s dry, but it’s what’s really happening and it’s how your government works.  Learn it, become involved, vote.

Fight the power, people.

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March 28, 2010

I agree! I like when Obama is the one doing the poo flinging though 🙂 It is amusing. C span isn’t that dull. I was interested in it and I am a Canadian who has little knowledge of politics.