Repeal the 13th-15th!

You know…I love hip-hop/rap videos. Every one I’ve seen has a single characteristic that they all share. Watch this one….look at the expressions on people’s faces…especially the girls who are wearing next to nothing. Do you see that arrogant I’m-here-for-something-dreadfully-important look? That look of extreme seriousness that derides you for doubting its sincerity? Like, occaisionally there are people who look like they are dancing in this video just to have fun…but there are the skanky girls with huge asses who are doing these absurd things wearing next to nothing and they look so pissed off. And WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THE MEANINGLESS HAND SIGNS? I hate how white boys do that shit all the time as if they could somehow relate to their meaning…I do it too. As a joke and because I look like an idiot when I do it.


So I watch this video…everyone loping around…and I laugh. I laugh at the founding fathers. I bet they thought, "Oh, slavery! What a fantastic idea! Now we’ll finally have someone to harvest all that cotton and tobacco that we’re growing!" Boy, wouldn’t their faces be red if they saw this video. I’m going to go pour a bottle of Patrone on Abraham Lincoln’s grave.

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These videos annoy me. -_- I can do nothing but roll my eyes.

September 19, 2008

haha their faces sure would be red! I really want to watch House now. thanks. haha 🙂

September 20, 2008

I can’t believe this is a song, it’s basically just a refrain over and over. But I can’t help but love those “dancing-in-this-video-is-the-most-important-things-since-glasnost” looks they all give.

Hello. =]