
It’s pretty karmically correct to feel that my parents are spying on me.  Today, I caught them in the middle of a little conspiratorial talk they were having in hushed tones.   Hahaha it was very funny since their hardness of hearing makes those hushed tones easily loud enough for a regular passerby to hear.  They’re trying to use Cassie, my girlfriend, to "talk some sense into me."  Apparently, I’m going to waste my life (by not doing something my father agrees with). 

If you’re reading this by having snuck onto my OD through sneaky means – fuck you!  Stop trying to pull strings and make my life go the way you want.  My dad always talks about how fathers in movies have these great relationships with their sons.  Instead of coming up with his own creative/wise shit, he just tells me to watch the movie or paraphrases what they say.  I like how he thinks that quoting from Rocky Balboa counts for anything with me.  If anything, it’s only reaffirmed what I want to do.  "It’s not about how hard you can hit…it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep getting up."  Goddamn right.  I get hit pretty hard every fucking week when I go out and try and run that fucking 3 miles and reduce my time…I keep getting back up and out there, even after those bad times.

It really pisses me off that he is trying to USE my girlfriend.  He doesn’t even try to say her name correctly but he’ll willingly use her to manipulate me.  Disgusting.

I have almost zero support.  But, I guess that’s part of the test.

Yea, I’m gonna lose 20-25lbs.

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June 29, 2008

i can relate so well to this entry. myparents were against every decision i made between the ages of 19-24. i think MAYBE, at 25, for the first time ever they MIGHT be ok with letting me make my own decisions anyways, its good youre smart enough to know that your dad is ridiculous for using movie quotes to try to teach you or bond with you. that’s dumb haha

you’re kind of anti-everything.

Wow, this is odd. Last night when I signed on, I was going to tell you that I support you. For no reason. I just thought you needed to hear it. But then I didn’t say it, cuz I thought I would sound really stupid and weird you out if I turned out to be totally wrong. Now I wish I had! Guess that’ll teach me to go against my gut feeling like I tend to do. I’m sorry that your parents are trying touse Cassie against you, and I’m sorry if Cassie is letting them. I hope she won’t. I care about you a lot, and I don’t ever want to see you hurt. It scares me to think of you in a situation where you could be. But more than that, I want you to do with your life what you feel is right. Aim for the direction that will lead you to fewer regrets, and if anyone else tries to hold you back, keep fighting for yourself and your vision. I believe it will be worth it. So I’m going to say it now. I SUPPORT YOU!! All the way. =] *hugs*

Oh yeah, and I was bewildered by this part: “He doesn’t even try to say her name correctly…” o0 How hard can it be to pronounce “Cassie”?

June 29, 2008

ryn – it was because they realized i’m happy with the decisions i have made, and that me being happy is all that matters. it has nothing to do with them approving of said decisions, i think it was mostly them having to realize that i’m an individual, my own person, and i’ll make my own decisions/mistakes no matter what they say, so they must treat me as an adult and move on!

June 29, 2008

oh, and moving 3,000 miles away also helped GREATLY in them toning it down!!! i think they ACTUALLY are starting to think i can take care of myself! haha…

June 29, 2008

your going to lose 25lbs?! thats kind of nuts dude!

June 29, 2008

same with my dad. he hates that i might be going over there, in a few years. no support. just gotta make your own, i suppose. good luck.

June 30, 2008

I support you! Go Karsten, GO! ~WEAVER

June 30, 2008

P.S Ran 4 miles OUTSIDE yesterday *dances* BOOYEA!

June 30, 2008

Ha ha, you’ve never hesitated to run me over before… And I won’t be drinking, don’t worry. ~WEAVER

RYN: I wish I did too. I’ve never been to TGIF before. The thought cheers me up a little though. Thank you. =]

July 12, 2008

ryn – hahaha yeah, and you men are jerks. what’s the diff? hehehehe…

July 14, 2008

hmmm…PLETHORA is it. Nah, think your wrong