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Do you want to make other people cry?! =] *Takes summoning stance*…

November 20, 2008

LOL! 🙂 weirdo 🙂

November 20, 2008

RYN: Dude, I’m in. Can I be the viking? Or maybe King Henry? Of course, you’ll have to be the Hawaiian dude, since you’re an asian / pacific islander. I’m shopping costume prices already! ~WEAVER

November 21, 2008

weirdo weirrdooo! I changed my desktop to one of the pictures you sent me 🙂 It is so beautiful!! *wants to go back now* Nikki liked dadball picture!

=] But it’s not ma birthday! It’s about a month from yours though, mwahaha…

November 21, 2008

He was riding his bike, there was a lightning strike, and now he reads really fast, he’s good at science and math?!?!?!?!

November 22, 2008

weirdo weirdo! I am going to the gym now. *grunts manly* gonna do a pull up.. but I gotta feast first.. oh god the never ending feasting.. we should make a movie about that.. you can speed it up and put benny hill to it 😉 xoxo<3<3<3

=] Thank you for noting.

November 25, 2008

RYN: Thanks! I’m impressed, most people catch me on the front page and want to know what the heck my avatar is. It’s actually a picture I took myself of an owl chick I was rehabilitating. 🙂