I need a vacation

from vacationing.

So I ran my mile intervals yesterday.  IN addition to my failure at a tempo run the previous Friday, I am clearly in a Pennsylvania related running slump.  There are times when I *really* feel like giving up, but I think I’ve learned a very important lesson in perseverence.  Never before has something seemed so impossible and futile, yet I keep trying anyways.  I’ve been trying for a year now, really trying.  There’ve been some results…I just wonder if they should be coming faster.

So we saw Traitor last night.  It was a pretty stereotypical movie with not much to surprise.  As is typical with all post 9/11 movies concerning radical Islamists, they mentioned how the greatest Jihad is the internal Jihad.  Very true, and I feel, very applicable to my current situation.  There are times when I am running when my mind becomes clouded with thoughts of failure and I feel as if I am drowning in the fog of negativity.  I notice that my physical body performs like shit as a result.  My current method of dealing with that is to take a break and just keep working….keep going until I meet some sort of goal.  I guess I try and minimize the damage done by not completing a workout, hoping that I am able to reap some benefit from the prematurely aborted exercise. 

Tempo running is, by far, hardest for me.  After a whole year, I still blow at setting a good pace right below my lactic threshold.  When I was running in Winnipeg, I was able to rock a solid 27:28 3 mile on flat ground….but here, I have a hard time maintaining a 9:25 pace!  Wtf??  Seriously, I wonder what the deal is.  As far as I know, my nutrition is ok…I’m sleeping enough and getting plenty of recovery…but still my quads become sore as that acid builds up.  I hate feeling that my personal record was a flaw 😛  Its just that optimal conditions seem so totally random…

So I am playing around with the notion of going to see the recruiter in Downingtown.   Maybe have a talk, possibly meet some of the current poolees (kids who are waiting to ship out to boot).  I want to get a feel for what it is I want to get into besides the physical part, which I know will be grueling beyond belief for a sedentary fat body like me.  Physically, I don’t think I’ll be in good enough shape to avoid going to PCP (Physical Conditioning Platoon – think of it as the Marine’s version of The Biggest Loser or whatever that gay show is called) for a while yet.  Progress with cardio improvement as well as weight loss seems to have plateaued a bit.  But yea, I think I have to put the idea of being a commissioned officer on hold because, quite frankly, I am just too fat.  Hahahaha!  Before anyone thinks to console me on my body image…it’s true.  The thing holding me back the most is the extra 20lbs or so I am carrying around on my stomach.  God bless my lifestyle prior to a year ago.  As a result, my only option for entering the service is going to be an enlistment.  Hopefully that lifestyle will give me the boost I need to go to OCS.

I have a feeling that my mom logged onto my OD and read things yesterday.  I hate feeling that I am being spyed upon.  Naturally, the solution would be to move out…thusly ushering in a whole host of financial problems I do not need hindering this weight loss and shaping up period. 

My dad keeps telling me that I need to watch this movie for its "father-son interaction."  He does enrage me sometimes!  Perhaps I should devote my life to filming How to be a father videos so that I can simply hand them to my son and tell him to watch them and feel that any duty I had to listen to my offspring be absolved.

That is all I have to say now.  Anyone who hasn’t seen the opening scene to my musical "Hitler Goes West," please proceed back an entry and crank dat speaker(boy).

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August 30, 2008

I will talk to you later aboot things! where are you karrrrrsten 🙂

August 30, 2008

one thing I *really* admire about you is that you have not given up. You have come *so* far in the past year that I have known you, and I know you will continue. Why do you want to avoid PCP? would it count against you at all?

I’m really proud of how far you’ve come. I know better than anyone how difficult it can be to keep trying at something that seems futile, I feel that way a lot in many areas of my life. And hey, you might be overweight, but you honestly look good! It’s just too bad that those extra pounds are an obstacle to your goals. But I know you can get there if you keep going! Endo pride, W0000T!!