
In the next short period of time I want to :

  1. Drop my run time to a 21:30 at the absolute slowest.
  2. Lose 20+ lbs.
  3. Have the OCS talk with the parents.

1.  I am so ready to do this, it’s ridiculous.  After my last PFT when I ran a 23:55 3 mile, I decided to do Crossfit Endurance consistently as opposed to my traditional plan.  After a Friday and Monday of speedwork, I officially fucked over my left foot and gave myself a healthy dose of metatarsalgia and stopped myself cold.  I know have a ridiculously sharp pain caused, probably, by the head of my smallest metatarsal bone in my foot bearing most of my weight.

Man, I am so motivated to get this shit done.  Capt. Jackson said that the people going to OCC 205 this fall are "the people who want it." And I want it.  And I’m so pissed that I can’t do something about it.  I guess I should be swimming or biking or something but fuck!  I want to run.  It’s feeling a little better as I’ve been babying it.  I guess that’s ok as I never really had a true week without speedwork due to my PFT falling on rest week.  Let’s see how this week works out.

2. I’m ready to do this too.  Given that I can’t run I’ve sort of dedicated myself to dropping the pounds.  This is primarily due to the fact that at OCS you do a crap load of bodyweight exercises.  I watched a video on the obstacle course and I know that I could do all that a lot easier if I were twenty lighter.  So here it goes again…I’ve got off to a good start and am sitting right around 209.  So 205 is the first goal.  Hahaha 205lbs for OCC 205!

3. Haha, I don’t even want to touch this.  I’m going to have to tell them eventually (really?).  That’ll be gay.

This fun injury has allowed me the luxury time to consider a bunch of stuff.  I started looking into what going the Army OCS would be like.  Haha, I’ll be honest, it looks so much easier than Marine OCS.  Strength isn’t hard for me, so I could easily get my pushups into the 77 range to max the pushups part of the test.  Dropping the run to two miles, I have to admit, would be awesome. 

But yea, I’m pretty much decided against that and here’s why – I chose the Marine Corps and have already made my intentions clear to my OSO so I can’t back out on that now.  Also, the idea of succeeding and living so close to D.C. for 6 months is highly attractive to me.  Highly attractive!  After going there with Cassie, I found that I really like the city and all the history thats there.  And since I’m such a bitch, it’s a major selling point that it’s like 2 hours from home.  My folks could easily come visit me should I get libo in OCS and weekend trips would be very viable during TBS.  Cassie could come live with me and it would be lots of fun!  I shouldn’t be looking that far ahead, though, haha, there’s still the whole rating the title thing that needs to be done first.

  • 95 crunches 21 APR 10
  • 24:00 run time 21 APR 10
  • 19 pullups 21 APR 10
  • 23:30 run time
  • 205lbs
  • 20 pulllups
  • 23:15 run time
  • 100 crunches
  • 23:00 run time
  • 200lbs
  • 22:45 run time
  • 22:30 run time
  • 195lbs
  • 22:15 run time
  • 22:00 run time
  • 190lbs
  • 21:45 run time
  • 21:30 run time
  • 185lbs – (YOUNG AND) LEAN AND MEAN
  • The talk
  • Survive 4 weeks
  • Survive 6 more weeks
  • Win


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April 25, 2010

you can do it babe 🙂

April 25, 2010

R: Thanks for your note! I hope I can get everything sorted out. 🙂 And I hope that your motivation rubs off on me a little.. somehow.

April 25, 2010

Good luck dude. Sounds like you’re kicking some major ass, and that a lot more kicking is in the works. I’m proud of you. ~WEAVER

April 25, 2010

R: Thanks again, and you’re absolutely right. Maybe I’ll start a cherubic girls movement!

April 26, 2010

yeah mice are cute, I agree…but the depth of hatred I feel right now because it shat on my personal space is beyond description, lol.

April 26, 2010

R: I don’t think I wrote about a flashback.. Flashback to yesterday maybe? I don’t know, I just spent 2 full days crying for no reason.. My brain is also fried!

April 27, 2010

ryn: It’s absolutely f-ing horrible.

April 29, 2010

RYN: Dude, I’d totally be willing to join you in neutral/good, but then I wouldn’t be able to level up as a Paladin anymore, I’d have to multiclass into fighter or something, and I’m not sure if it’s worth it. And I miss you. We really need to hang out sometime soon. ~WEAVER

May 23, 2010

ryn: Come on.. I have such a hard time believing that most men are that simple!