
So this is my basic understanding of how a species evolves.  The premise that constitutes the foundation for evolution is that favorable mutations are passed down generation after generation.  The sun provides the necessary energy to create these random mutations.  Mutations can be favorable or not…favorable mutations will allow mutated things to reproduce more, thus spreading the mutated gene. 

Like all other animals, humans evolve. 

I read in an issue of AARP magazine that it may be possible to mess with human genetics to turn off the aging gene, allowing humans to live for 125-1,000 years.  I was pretty amazed, though, that this article didn’t mention the impact that might have on us as a species.  Now I got a degree in physics and the last bio course I took was in ninth grade in high school…but I have a feeling that suddenly living to 1,000 years will fuck with human evolution.  As people die less…genes will last longer as one’s genetics don’t change in one’s lifespan.  At least…not much, right?  Perhaps one’s genes can be rearranged through viruses and gene therapy, but that’s another rambling entry.

Ok, so if we turn off aging, won’t our species essentially stop evolving?  As harsh as it is, death keeps our species alive.  Through dying, we eliminate carriers of bad genes.  Through dying of old age, aren’t we clearing the way for new, more favorable mutations to arise?  I’m thinking that if we seriously cut down on death….then there’s nothing to stop all the bad genes from spreading and crippling our populace.

Don’t get me wrong – I’d love to live forever as well as have each and everyone of my loved ones around me for said eternity.  I think it’s possible to tackle the aging problem and to extend our lives…it just doesn’t seem like many people are considering the potential pitfalls while staring lustily at this Holy Grail.

Ask yourself : WWPHD?

For those of you who don’t know…that means "What Would Pioneer Hitler Do?"

If you don’t know who Pioneer Hitler is, see two entries previous.

That is all I have to say, ensh’allah. 

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Genetics has always interested me, but I know little about the subject. I find the idea of messing around with genetics uncomfortable. It reminds me of “Jurassic Park”, or the creation of the killer bee, or even those instances where places have overcompensated a certain predator to eliminate the overpopulated prey, only to find themselves facing a new problem with the predator introduced. I thinkmessing around with genetics will basically end up the same way in all cases: solving one problem, creating another. Too many things could happen that would never have been anticipated. Especially where humans are involved. It is arrogant to believe otherwise. I don’t think living forever is all it’s cracked up to be anyway.

August 31, 2008

definitely an interesting theory, and i’d have to say I agree with you. on the other hand, who wants to live that long? that seems like much too long to worry about human tripe like money and such.

August 31, 2008

we definitely cant live to 1000, there would be such insane overpopulation…the more people there are not aging,the more people there are having sex, therefore the more babies being born. i’m liking our give or take 90 year lifespan, personally!!

August 31, 2008

I have always said that by the time we are getting old we will not need to worry about it, there would be a way to extend life. But looking at your theory, I agree, and my dreams of immortality now seem foolish.

August 31, 2008

I wouldn’t want to live that long. And I completely agree with que.sera.sera- over population would be insane. I’d personally like to live to about 120 in good health if possible. <3

August 31, 2008

This deserves reader’s choice, somebody nominate.

September 2, 2008

Our species won’t stop evolving, because it doesn’t matter how long you live, only that you reproduce. This is why end of life diseases- alzheimers, and other such diseases haven’t been “bred out” of our species. They occur long after people have passed reproductive age, so those people are an evolutionary success, even if they die a very sad, death. Individuals don’t evolve, only speciesdo. Once you’re born, your genes are set, and if they’re good, they’ll get passed down, but they’ll never change in you. This is the same across all species. How long you live is only relevant in that you live long enough to have children. So as long as people are having kids, then the human species will continue to evolve. I highly doubt that it would be possible to stop everyone from having kids, therefore evolution will not stop. Death doesn’t cause evolution, birth does. Hugs, John

September 3, 2008

good point!