
I honestly have no clue how my life has come to this.  I guess it’s normal to feel like this after having such a turbulent year.  Ok, lots of people might not think the previous year turbulent, but to me it was.  Compared to my normal.

But I’m sitting here, getting ready to leave home…again.  Waiting to go down to Lousiana where my dad lives and works…I’m going for 6 weeks?!  How long have I been here in PA?  These past few months even have left me feeling rootless. 

I just want to sit down in a comfy chair with a blanket and the fresh, crisp fall air and a cat and a cup of tea and my trashy battletech novel.  And just stay like that.  For several years.  I think that’s the Chinese in me, making me want to remain unchanging.  The American is just roaring for infinite, reckless change.  Damn my half-blood.  Soon, I may split into a Chinese half and an American half and the two halves will battle until the universe is destroyed.

I’m going to miss my mom and my cat, even if I’m only away for 6 weeks.  My dad and I don’t really see eye to eye on anything besides the fact that the Browns are and have always been the best team in the NFL.  Irregardless of win-loss record. 

Most of the fun of travelling is sapped by leaving the most important people in your life behind.

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*thinks of two you’s dueling to the death…* There is nothing wrong with wanting to remain unchanging, if you are in a situation where you’ve found some contentment. I think a comfy chair with cat/tea/book/autumn sounds wonderful. I wouldn’t want to leave that spot either. Your year has been turbulent, look at the big life decisions you’ve had to make! And that with all the pain of a breakup,the up-and-downs with a new girlfriend… you’ve done a lot in a year. =( Don’t be sad Karsten. You will be back! And then Cat will purr and all the world will rejoice. I hope you will stay in touch while you’re gone.

October 3, 2008

Nice nostalgic slightly bittersweet entry, come home sooner. I think the church bazaar excuse will work!

October 3, 2008

it’ll hopefully fly by! run back home! it’ll work! *shifty eyes* mmm fall air, trashy novel, blankets and cats. Perfection =)

October 3, 2008

I shall miss you, my friend. Have fun, but hurry home to us! And you damn well better make the feast this year! ~WEAVER

October 3, 2008

babe, you must ask me what I named my laptop 🙂 YOU ARE ON YOUR PLANE! I AM LOOKING UP YOUR FLIGHT STUFF NOW!

October 4, 2008

is nice and golden brown

October 4, 2008

do you know what that means?!

October 6, 2008

you are pardoned! ohh do not die of heat stroke! who will be weird at me 🙁 When I came inside the house, my mum asked me if the car was in one piece.. I told her I totaled it 😉 remind me to tell you what I bought today!

October 6, 2008

I could go on forever about what a terrible person my roommate is. But, I’ll save myself the typing, and you the long list of notes and say that she just doesn’t seem to understand common courtesy… Or something. She just blows. I’m actually going for Pharmacy… For now… Whether or not I stay in it is anyone’s guess. I hope you have a good trip!

October 6, 2008

ahh yours a mixed. 😀 I know exacly how you feel man. changing from place to place. its been the same for me too this year. i’ve slept in like more than 10 different beds (lol not in the same house ) in the past few month. at 1st you feel pretty bad, like you’re loosing your roots, but after a while, i promise you! it’ll feel great. the only constant in life is change.

October 7, 2008

ryn: thank you. 🙂 take care.

Hahahaha, omg… “Hi, I’m afraid we received a complaint about this entry and need to ask you to remove the diarists name (A Plain Girl) from this entry (used 6 times in total) as it breaks rule 3 of Open Diary – “Respect all members” (http://www.opendiary.com/rules.asp) Whilst I can see that there’s been some confusion/negativeness on both sides and as such that’s why we have no intention of taking any further action, it is still against the site rules to publicly discuss another diarist negatively. Normally we’d require the entry itself to be removed, but since she has since deleted the diary in question, just removing the name will suffice. If you have any queries about this please contact us via the “Help” link in the top right corner. Many thanks in advance for your assistance, –X Open Diary Admin”

You got me in trouble you rascal. =P