
Just needed to say:

I have triumphed.  For the first time since I moved into this apartment over 2 years ago, I have gone through each and every box in my closet and discarded/put away everything I moved here with.  Can’t believe I packed and moved and stored so much stuff, much of which has ended up going to Value Village …

Now, NOW, I have room in my closet to put the NEW boxes that my parents have been bringing over, of things of mine that stayed at their place when I went away to school.

And it’s 1:48 a.m.  And I only made it halfway through my list of things I had to do tonight.  And I’m coughing up a lung.  And I have to sing to little kids tomorrow morning and not look like Death.  Oh, and I have to phone about 30 people first thing tomorrow morning.  Eek!  My least favourite thing about my work is phoning people.

Still, it’s wonderfully grounding, going through and releasing many possessions, either forgotten or thought lost.

It’s almost as oddly satisfying (and not quite as disgusting) as using my netipot and watching teaspoons of yellowish-green gunk flow down the drain.  Goodbye, stuff I don’t need …

(Next up in Project Sanity: The Bedroom.  Aka, Making My Sanctuary.  I’ve left the most challenging to last.)

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November 18, 2010

Sleep and get well. Bedroom as sanctuary is something that makes me go h-m-m-m-m. Is there a substitute for phoning such as twitter, email, nice note on nice stationery, social media, face to face… there are alternatives and they may be adaptive to the media preference of the recipient rather than that of the sender… Ciao,

November 18, 2010

Yikes! It’s not supposed to be yellowish-green, is it? Take care of yourself. And good luck creating the sanctuary. 🙂 —