Weird Dream

Hi all,
I’m up at 4:45am because I was woken up by a weird dream.  Actually it scared the crap right out of me.  So I don’t want to go back to bed.  I’ll stay up instead.  That will be the last time I eat popcorn before bed.

I was in the backseat of a 1973 Mercury Comet.  (had this car when married)  Some guy was driving.  (don’t know who.  couldn’t make out face)  Joy, my daughter was the front seat passenger.  We were in the country driving down some blacktop road.  Must have know this road.  It was like we’d traveled it before.  Started having car problems.  Engine light kept coming on and the car was making this weird clicking noise.  Made it to the stop sign.  Could’ve turned right and gone into town. (could see town from stop sign) But the guy driving went straight and stopped at the first house.  Lots of kid stuff in yard, barn was full of equipment, clothes hanging on line, but no one was visible.  He went to the door and knocked.  A lady with a baby in her arms, messy hair, answered the door.  She didn’t speak.  Just looked.  He asked if he could use the phone to call a tow truck.  She just looked at him.  A man appeared with dirty hands.  He asked if he could use the phone.  The man said yes.  Showed the guy to the room with the phone.  Weird room.  Full of ribs from deceased animals.  They were like little cages from ribs around things.

Meantime, Joy and I were outside in the car.  The man came and wanted us to come inside.  Joy and I declined and said we’d wait in the car.  We had the doors locked and the windows up.  This place was creepy.  Joy and I had a plan.  When the guy left, Joy and I ran down the road to the Kwik Trip and ran inside and told the guy at the counter what was going on.  He called the Sheriff and the State Patrol.  Earlier that day, someone had stopped at the Kwik Trip and reported that some guy beheaded another person in town for no apparent reason.  Everyone thought it was the weird people where our car was at.

Joy and I refused to go back to the house when the Sheriff arrived.  We stayed at Kwik Trip.
The sheriff and the state patrol went to the house to find the guys working on the car, but in a heated discussion about how to fix the engine, since the problem was the carburator.  The weird guy wanted to replace the whole engine and the guy from the car just wanted to remove the carburator and clean it and then get back on the road.

This is where I woke up.  Now I have a headache.  Took 2 Tylenol. 
Man that was weird.
Haven’t had weird dreams for ages.  So what brought this on??

Any suggestions or thoughts I’d greatly appreciate.

Have a great day everyone.
Time to pray.

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February 9, 2011

I guess this weather is making us all have weird dreams. I had some strange dreams this week, too!

February 12, 2011

I have no idea what it means. I rarely remember my dreams. I do know that when I am stressed, I have very strange dreams.