
I got up this morning around 5:30am and it was raining.  I watched as the salt truck tried to stop at the bottom of Main St.  He kinda slid right thru.  He was lucky there wasn’t another car around.

About 2:30am this morning, I could hear this car on the ice.  Went and looked out the window and sure enough there was some kid doing doughnuts in the parking lot below my 6th floor window.  He was having a blast.

Well, now it’s 3:30pm and it’s snowing like crazy outside.  We are under Blizzard Watches and Warnings until Monday, Dec. 13th.  Then it’s supposed to be blowing and fridgid.
I wonder how many church services will be cancelled tomorrow and how about our Christmas Gala at UWP.  That’s an all day event tomorrow.  It includes a dinner and a Christmas dance.  I’m not doing either of those things.  Just singing.

I’m playing Christmas music and listening to some of my favorite CD’s.

Andy is in the shower.  We watched movies this morning.  It was fun.  I enjoy having him here with me, but it sure messes with my brain.  I’ve been alone for over 15 yrs. and really set in my ways.  It’s hard to share with someone after all this time.  Both of us see things a different way, so he does things one way and I do them another.  Sometimes we drive each other crazy.  And I know all the boxes that I still have sitting around are driving him nuts.  They aren’t bothering me at all.  I’ve lived with boxes forever.  Never had enough room for stuff, or just kept them in boxes because………………..

I’m really stuck in my own ways.  Don’t know if this is good or bad, but at my age, I don’t really care.  I share as much as I can and then don’t push me over the edge because I can get territorial.

If any of you are in the midwest, stay safe this weekend.  Flights are pretty much cancelled around here and roads are being closed.  It’s a great time for games, movies and making cookies.

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December 11, 2010

I am waiting on the snow to start. I got round 1 shoveled, but I also have my blower all gassed up and ready to go! Bring it on! I just hope it’s done by tomorrow night because I work in GB and that’s 50 minutes from home… :/

December 11, 2010

Hello Mad Town Girl, I am hunkered down now in my house as well but no Andy to irritate me or keep company. I may have a problem though cause my house seems to be colder and colder and I turned up my heat just now but don’t hear it run. hmmmm…………..

Funny how you can read what I wrote and then get back to me with a message. -26 eh – I’ve never experinced that.