The Heat Wave Continues

 I am so tired of this heat.  Tomorrow it is supposed to be 100*.  I can’t imagine what that will be like.  I know where I will be though.  Either in my apartment reading books or watching videos or here at Chris’ playing on the computer or watching tv.

I went out yesterday to practice the piano at church, and then I went to the store to get my medications.  By the time I got home I was sick.  It’s the heat and humidity that just get to me.

Today I went to the library and then to Goodwill to drop off several bags of clothes.  Went inside to shop a bit, just looking mainly.  I always look for friends, because some of them ask me too.  Didn’t find much but scored big for myself.
I have a bridal shower to attend in a few days and the Bride wanted a coaster set and some kitchen baking dishes in Heart shapes.  I love Goodwill for this purpose.  I spent $2.82 and got a coaster set identical to the one that she wanted from Bed, Bath and Beyond for $.99, a set of 4 metal muffin tins in the shape of a heart for $.99 and a bag full of Christmas cards and envelopes for $.69.

For those of you who have problems with the cost of the gift, it’s not the cost that counts.  It’s the thought behind the gift.  

I know this couple very well and I know they wouldn’t care where it came from.  

Yesterday I cut my hair super short.  Why????  Because of the heat.  I can’t stand my hair on the back of my neck in this heat.  And I don’t look good with it pulled up into a pony tail.  I’m too old for that style.  That’s for kids and my daughter’s age.  Not for grandmothers like me.  I’ve been cutting and styling my own hair for about 15 yrs.  Several yrs. ago I went and bought some great scissors from Sally’s Beauty Supply Store.  Most people don’t know this, but anyone can shop there.  The only thing you can’t buy without a beauticians license is perm solution.  You can buy everything else.  I get great deals on aromatherapy oils, hair dye, and shampoo.  The one nearest me has wonderful hand lotions too.

Well look at the time. 11:18pm.  What am I still doing up?  Well if you really want to know.  I’m not tired.  I had a panic attack the last 3 days in a row.  It happens at 3:02am.  I literally am scared stiff when this happens.  And so tonight I’m trying to stay awake longer, take my anxiety pill when I get home and then get to bed.  Hopefully I will sleep right thru 3:02am.

So who do you call at 3:02am?  Ghost busters?  nope.  Friend.  Nope, she’s at work.  Family, nope, they are sleeping.  Counselor, nope,  long distance call.  Police, nope, cuz if you do, they will take you to the local hospital.  I can’t afford another hospital bill.  So, I just get up, walk around, turn on lights, read, pray, watch a movie, eat.  I’d leave my apartment and go to the community room, but one of the elderly people in this building told me not to do that because she’d be afraid that someone would try and hurt me.  I’m like good grief, I don’t want to feel trapped in my own building.  I usually take the hammer with me.  Yes, I know it can be a weapon, and a good weapon it is.  I need all the help I can get.

The other day on facebook, I posted this thought for the day.  Lots of my friends sent me private notes:
Whatever you do, never take ExLax and a sleeping pill at the same time.

Yes, I know that’s stupid.  But I bet it’s happened.  Why do I say that?  Because when I worked in the nursing home, if the night shift had complained about the PM shift, then we’d let them have it.  We’d give those who needed suppositories the Prune Juice Slider before bed.  Trust me, it works great!!!!!!!
This always stopped their complaining for several wks.  I think all they wanted to do was sleep like the residents and not do any work.  I will be a nightmare when I get to the nursing home.  I know all the tricks.  How sad.
Hope I never have to go to one.  Just bury me under a rock somewhere.  I’ll be fine.

Well all.  I hope you have a great day tomorrow and a fantastic weekend.  Stay cool.  Read a good book, Laugh.

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July 22, 2011

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me. That was touching. 🙂 I dread the day when I have to go to a nursing home or something like that too. I keep hoping Jesus will come back before then.

July 22, 2011

Hey, thanks for the note! I added you back! Can’t wait to get to know you!

July 22, 2011

K, ex lax and sleeping pills at the same time is hilarious. We don’t have a heat wave here. It is cooling down. I don’t want a 100F but I like at least 70F. As for gifts, I am with you on costs. If the person likes it and you got a deal, it is for the best.