Spring Has Sprung

Spring has sprung here in Wisconsin.  It is absolutely gorgeous here.  52 today, windy, but fine.

Weird thing happened today.  I went out this morning to get into my car and the wiper blades were stuck in the up position.  Weird thing, I didn’t use them yesterday, so how did they get in that position when I didn’t go anywhere and the car was locked?  Someone was drunk and messing with my car again.

My fingers are tired of practicing the piano.  I’ve been playing for Solo & Ensemble at the high school level for a week now.  I spent almost 8 hrs on the piano bench on Wednesday alone.  I’ve got about 50 hrs in this week alone with practicing.  My students will be well prepared for the contest on Apr. 2nd.
They are so willing to take instructions from me and they work hard on their pieces.  I love the kids and I love teaching them music.  I wish I could do this on a full-time basis.  I just don’t have a degree to teach.  I’m a self taught pianist.  I can read all the music and I can transpose in my head while looking at a different key.  Grandmother taught me how to do it  
But parents always want a degree and I don’t have one.

Overqualified to get into the music dept. at UWP.  I’ve tried twice and I’ve been told I’m over qualified.  There’s nothing we can teach you that you don’t already know.
So no degree.

Who wants to come to Wisconsin and help me fight the government for my disability?  I’d be very greatful to anyone that would help me.  I’m in my 3rd try.  This time I decided that maybe prayer would be the way to go before I sent the info back to the State of WI.  So I prayed and have been praying ever since that they take my information into consideration and the fact that I have all the history of my illnesses from the start in 1994.

Well, I promised someone that I would watch a movie with them and so I guess I should get off the neighbors computer and go watch the movie.

Love to all.
Happy Spring


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March 19, 2011

Hope the weather stays good for a while. I hope your not in a floodable area? I can’t imagine what all this snow melt will do to some areas.

March 20, 2011

It is gorgeous in Colorado Springs, too! You should consider being a Substitute Teacher and sub for Music. The pay is not very much but it adds up.

March 20, 2011

yah for spring!! It is snowy and rainy here!

March 20, 2011

yah for spring!! It is snowy and rainy here!

March 23, 2011

The piano teacher thing sounds so odd. It is too bad because you could earn money if you had the degree.