
 Today I had to recertify for my apartment.  They still don’t know how to deal with my situation.  I get sporadic income of less than $50 every so often.  Like I got a gift card for gas for $10 last month so I could go to the Dr. appt.  I gave someone some food from my pantry and they gave me $20 to buy my medications.  I sewed an outfit for a lady and she gave me some cash.  Played for a wedding, got some cash.
The big wigs don’t know how to handle this since its not everyday or every month.

This junk makes me sick to my stomach.  It drives me crazy when it comes to figures and paperwork.  My mind just wanders everywhere and then I feel like giving up.

Now I feel tired, just plain tired.  Like I could sleep the rest of the day.  No energy.  

I’m at my friend Chris’ right now.  It’s too hot for man or beast outside.  Thought I’d check my email and stuff and then post here so that everyone knows I am ok somewhat.

Next month I have to go for some testing.  To receive disability here in the State of WI, I must do extensive tests with another psyc. dr.  Not too happy about this because I LinkedIn the dude and found out that he’s 71 and is the MD for Oak Hill Correctional Facility.  What do they think?  Am I a criminal?  No!!
They want to perform a Mental Health Exam, a Psychological Exam and a Memory Test.  I know the memory test by heart.  We used to give it to our patients when I worked in geriatric psyc.  So can I cheat?  Nope.  But I will have to tell him I know how the test is performed.
Hope he doesn’t do the bug test.  You know, the dots on the page.  Everyone sees them different anyway.  What if I told him it didn’t look like a bug, but maybe it looked alot like a bunch of stars in the sky.  What would he do then?
The mental health exam asks the question:  "Do you want to commit suicide?" every 10th question.  The 8th question is:  "Do you want to harm yourself?"
Well, the answer to these is no.  There are 50 questions on the page.  So 5 times I will answer no to question: 10, 20, 30, 40 & 50.  And I will answer no to questions: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 & 48.
They think I’m stupid.  I’m not stupid, I have issues, but don’t we all?

Geez Chris, it’s hot in here.  To bad you tired to kill a neighbor by dropping your fan out your bedroom window on Saturday.  I’m falling asleep from the heat.

What am I going to make for supper?  I have some Italian Sausage.  That would be good.  I’ll go home in a bit and make supper, then I’ll come here and watch tv.  Hope the Food Network has a good show on tonight.

Tomorrow I need to get some vegs and fruits.  Looking for a watermelon, mangos, and plantains.  Hard to get sometimes.  

Happy day all.

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July 11, 2011

Maybe the heat is what is making me so tired in Georgia.. Ugh! Hang in there.

July 11, 2011

Yeah it’s hot. Glad you checked in. I would tell them I don’t want to harm myself but others I do. Why on earth a psych eval? Well maybe the 71 year old doctor will have empathy cause by this age hes been around and knows there are plenty of 40, 50 and 60 year olds that really do have problems. A younger doctor may not have even eperienced anything themselves so would be a bit skeptical.

July 13, 2011

It makes no sense to me that you can get such a small amount of money and it is an issue.