Prayer Needed for my Daughter

This morning my daughter called me to say that she has to have surgery.  Well I knew she was going to have a tubal ligation done, but she didn’t tell me that she was going to have her herniated umbilical cord repaired at the same time.

So after praise and worship practice this morning, I went to my daughter’s house.  She was busy getting ready to go and the little boys were running around in their jammies and daddy was holding Stella.

Before too long Caleb (4) says:  Manna, I lost my car down the hole.  Can you get it?  He actually dropped it into a heat register and it went pretty far down.  I pulled off the cover and I put my arm down as far as I could get my arm and I could feel the car with the tip of my fingers.  So I said: "Caleb, manna needs a spoon.  Can you get Manna a spoon please?"  He went and got a spoon for me and we fished the car out.  I looked at him and said:  "I don’t think we want our cars in there anymore, do we?"  He said:  "nope Manna."  And off he went.

Joy was done getting ready, so we left and went to the clinic.  She had a new Dr. that is a new provider to the clinic.  When he came in the room he was very friendly and talked with us both like he’d known us for years.  He explained what he was going to do in the surgeries and then we had questions for him too.  When he stepped out to send the RN in, I looked at my daughter and said:  "Geez Joy, he’s cute!!!  She’s like, MOM!!!  He’s married.  I’m like so, I can look you know.  I’m not dead yet."  Then we laughed.

Left the clinic went to Target and then to Borders to get Caramel Apple Spice Cider and Pumpkin Latte.  The cider was fantastic!!!!!  I don’t drink coffee, so I tried the cider instead.  Usually I buy the Chi Tea.

Then we went to Baby Gap and got some tights for Stella to wear under her dresses.  And then we stopped at the diamond store, because we know someone that works there.  We had a great visit with her.

Back home and I looked at some music that I listened to today, but they aren’t songs that I would sing.  I need a good song for Sunday.  Anyone know of anything that would go with Matthew 5:5.  Meekness and gentleness.?

Anyway, pray for my daughter.  I have no idea the date of surgery.  She will let me know.

Blessings to all

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