O Brother, Where Have I Been????

 Hi All,

Where has the time gone?  Where did summer go?  It’s been hotter than hell in Wisconsin.  Honestly, I don’t know how hot hell is, but it’s been so hot and humid that I spent most of my time inside in the air conditioner.

I’m sure lots has gone on for all of you.  Lots has gone on for me too.

Helped a friend from OD move back to Platteville.  Helped her and the kids get settled in their new townhouse.  Got the kids registered into school and summer recreation.  Things are going well for them.

Tons of road construction here in Platteville.  The main street that is a County Highway is tore up for 20 miles starting at my front window and going all the way to Livingston.  It’s a pain in the butt to get around town and drive on all the rocks and dodge piles of dirt, rocks, huge equipment and road construction workers.  By the time I drive all the way around the town, it takes me 15 minutes out of my way.  Such a pain!!!

My grandkids have been sick off and on.  Please pray for Stella, 2 yrs. old.  About a month ago she woke up crying saying her knee hurt and she couldn’t walk.  Mom and Dad took her to the pediatrician and they ran a battery of tests on the poor baby. They ruled out Lyme’s Disease, and all the xrays and cat scans came back normal.  They think it’s pediatric rheumatoid arthritis.  They are sending Stella to American Children’s Hospital (UW Madison) next Wednesday to see a Specialist in Pediatric RA.  His name is Dr. Grant Syverson, MD.  He is the Assistant Professor of the RA Dept at UW Madison.  So Stella is seeing the Best of the Best.  Please pray with me that they find an answer as to why Stella can’t put pressure on her right leg.  

Pray for me this Friday through Monday.  For the first time in my whole life I will be going to camp.  My church owns a camp called SkyLodge Christian Camp.  It is in Montello, WI.  I have never been to camp and I don’t know what to expect.  Every fall my church has something called Autumn Spice.  It’s for people 50+ to get together and worship the Lord for a weekend.  I’ve been asked to go as the pianist.  The church has paid my full way, including meals, motel, and the convention.  
I don’t do well at new time schedules.  Breakfast is at  7am (my normal is 10am), worship 10am, lunch noon (mine 2pm), activities, supper at 5pm (mine 7pm) bedtime 10pm, (mine- 2am) This is gonna be hard for me.  I have a feeling I won’t be sleeping much.

My anxiety has been Over The Roof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, 2 Sundays ago, One of the guys at my church came up to me while I was chatting to 2 other people and he asked me what I was doing on Friday night.  Last weekend was Platteville’s Dairy Days.  I said: "I didn’t know."  He asked me if I would come and watch him pitch horseshoes in the tournament at Legion Field.  And I said yes before I thought about my answer.  He then said:  "ok 7:30pm at Legion Pit" and walked away.

The 2 other people I was chatting with punched me in the arm and said:  "you stupid, you just accepted a date with Rod."  I looked at them and said: what??  Then they told me what I did.
I haven’t been on a date in over 18 yrs. This was the first time a guy has every asked me to do anything with him.  I actually like horseshoe pitching.  I did it when I was in HS.  It’s fun, and it’s not that easy. There is a skill to the game.
Anyway, I went up to legion field and I watched the whole tournament.  3 hrs. Rod and I chatted during pitches and when he wasn’t playing a game.  We had a good time. 

Sunday at church, well afterwards, I went up to him and told him Thank You for inviting me. And that I really had a nice time.  He looked at me and said:  "I’m glad  you enjoyed it, we’ll have to do it again sometime."

Now what have I done????

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September 12, 2012

I hope your granddaughter will be okay. I think you just have fun with the horseshoes guy. If you don’t want it to be more than friendship and you think he does, be honest with him, but enjoy it if he’s okay with just being friends.

September 16, 2012

What have you done? You just decided on some fun. Why not?! lololol. I hope the camp will be super exciting for you as well!

September 21, 2012

I would enjoy your company. It doesn’t sound like pressure in the relationship. As for camp, I’m the type to enjoy a change but I know that some people would hate a change.

October 1, 2012

I think you made a new friend.