Not So Hot Today

Got up at 5am this morning.  Actually woke up because of the lightening that was flashing in my window.  Shut off the a/c and fan and opened the windows up.  I didn’t care that it was raining in the windows.  It felt so good to see the rain.

One of my friends came over around 9:30am.  She was pissed off because her employer forgot to pay her critical pay for all the hours of overtime that she worked.  I looked at her and said:  "why do you do that to yourself?"  She said:  "Because I NEED the money."  I’m like:  "give me a break, you don’t need the money."  She’s like:  "yes, I do.  There’s lots of stuff I want."  I’m like yeah, you want it, but do you really need it.  There’s a difference you know between WANT and NEED.  She just looked at me.

I said:  "if you’re making $12 per hr. you’re actually making $10 per hr.  So if you have all this critical pay, they will take out more in taxes because of all the overtime.  And then if there is a holiday in there, you’re gonna get more taxed.  So you’re better off if you don’t work all those goofy hours.  You’re just killing yourself for nothing."  She didn’t believed me until I showed her one of my old check stubs.  Then I told her how they figure stuff.  One of my checks that I showed her had tons of overtime on it and they took $143 away from me in taxes alone.  
I’ve tried telling her this before, but she doesn’t understand Math and Taxes and stuff like that.

Went out for awhile this morning while it was pouring down rain.  Got out by the front door and one of the senior citizens whose about 90 was sitting on the bench.  I looked at him and said:  Hi Melton.  You wanna go puddle jumping with me today?  He looked at me and said:  Nope, I’ll wait until it quits raining and then I’ll go feed the squirrels.  I said:  Ok, but you’re missing some fun.  He just smiled.

Did my weekly check at the Thrift Stores in town for bargins.  Yesterday I got 2 gifts and a bag of random size envelopes for $2.82.  Today I went to a different store here in town and got 3 puzzles, 2 had never been opened, 1 telephone insulator (these things are worth bucks on the antique market)  It was $1.00 and no one in the store knew what it was but me. And then I got a plate holder.  My bill was $2.49.  It’s great when you can get jigsaw puzzles for a quarter.

Next I came home and poked around my place for a while.  Watched a move, ate lunch and then came here to check emails and do some random searches for several friends on the Missing and Cash websites.
I never have any missing money, but my friends do.  Maybe they will share?  Doubtful.

It’s 8:30 and I need to go get something to eat.  Haven’t had anything since noon.  Stomach is rumbling.  Nope it’s not thunder. 

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July 22, 2011

Some jobs are like that. Overtime is not worth it. I love a deal but I don’t have time to look long for them.

July 26, 2011

I don’t understand math and taxes either, so I’d probably be just as confused. 😛 Those are some great deals you found at the thrift store. I’ve never heard of Missing Money or Cash Dash before. I’ll have to look that up just to see what it is. 😛 I’ll add you to my friends list. 🙂