New Years Eve, Eve…..

 Yeah, you got the title right.  New Years Eve, Eve.  You know Friday before Saturday?  Eve Eve.

I posted this on Facebook this morning because at my church on Friday night from 7-10pm we are having a NY’s Eve Eve Party.  Normally it would be on Saturday night, but our fellowship hall has been rented out to someone and so we have to do it on Friday night.  There will be games, snacks, chatting, and lots of fellowship.  So if you are in the Platteville WI area and know where the Platteville Free Methodist Church is and the SonShine Center, we’d love to have you join us.

Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way…………

So how was everyones Christmas?  Mine was fine.  I got to spend time with my 4 grandkids.  We played lots of games and with lots of toys.  Isaac got the game of Life and yes, Caleb had to play.  I know he’s only 5, but the funny thing is, He won the game.  Isaac came in 2nd and Nana lost.  Oh well.  Then we played Uno Moo.  If  you’ve never played this, go get it.  It’s the most fun way of playing Uno and you have to yell Uno Moo when you are down to one animal.  If you draw a skunk you have to take 2 animals from the barn.  If you have a farmer you can change the colors of the animals.  You get red, blue, green and yellow farm animals.  The animals are cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, dogs, skunks and farmers.  It was a blast!!!

Then the little boys and I played under a quilt.  I was the grandma Polar Bear and they were my grandkid Polar Bears.  They brought their Christmas gifts under the blanket and we played under there all after noon.  Have you ever played Alfie in the dark?  It was fun!  Noah just wanted to be underneath with Nana.  Stella thought we were hiding from her, so she’d peek underneath and laugh at us.  Some of the time we were in Isaac’s way while he was playing Madden 12, but we moved.

This year I didn’t get anything for Christmas.  I don’t have the money to go buy gifts for others, so why should they give me something?  It makes me sad and yes I’ve been depressed quite a bit this week.

I don’t like dark days.  I have to make myself get motivated and that’s not the easiest thing for me to do.  I’d rather sleep.  This is depression.  I could sleep all day everyday.  Yes, my doctor knows this.

We are supposed to get 1-2 inches of snow tonight.  Better not snow too much.  I have to go get Chris in Dubuque tomorrow at 10:45am.  We are meeting at the Mall at HuHot.  He’s been at home with his parents in Central Iowa since before Christmas.  I’ve been watching the fish and using the computer and watching TV.  I don’t have TV at my house.  Well, I have a TV, but I’m not connected to cable or dish.  I used to watch DVD’s but my DVD player died on Christmas Eve.  Now I can’t watch anything.  Sucks……………

I’ve read 2 books since then.  One book was written by a retired FBI agent who was a criminal profiler.  It was good.  The 2nd book is a teen novel called Black Box.  Well written.  It’s about a girl with depression and being locked up in a mental hospital.  Funny thing is, what the writer writes is very true and I’ve seen the stuff she writes about 1st hand.  I’ve been a patient in a locked unit.  I saw my roommate rip the tv off the wall and throw it at the medtechs.  That night I got placed in my own room away from her for safety.  And yes, they do take your shoestrings, crochet hooks, bracelets, glasses, clothes everything away from you.  I had to ask for my glasses back because I couldn’t see a thing and kept running into the wall and the techs thought I was doing it on purpose.

Tonight I’m cooking a turkey.  I want some sliced turkey for tomorrow for the party.  I will bring some buns and butter and mayo and the turkey for the party.  I have a great rub that I’m putting on the turkey:  1/3 cup Olive Oil, 2 T Basil, 2 T Oregano, 1 T garlic powder, 1 T Paprika, 1TParsley.  Rub that on the turkey and bake for 3 hrs. and 30.  Until golden brown.  Let cool serve.  Yeah!!!!

Well, take care all.  Happy New Year

Points to ponder this NY’s Eve.
A cockroach will live nine days without it’s head before it starves to death.
The male praying mantis cannot copulate while it’s head is attached to its body.  The female initiates sex by ripping the male’s head off.
 When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?". Look at them and say:  "Would I be standing here if the bus had come?"
 Mama snowman was cutting carrots for a soup for the dinner of her kids and husband. Soon her husband came up to her and guess what he said?
Honey, where’s my nose.
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December 30, 2011

Keep up your cheerfulness. Life is hard for a lot of people. I spend Christmas with my son’s family. I also spent Christmas Eve with them. Family and friends is what makes Christmas a joyful time.

December 30, 2011

I’m surprised your daughter didn’t get you a gift. You sound like a great grand mother. Little children love to play.