More Christmas Music


I had $10 to spend on my daughter and her family this year for Christmas.  Most of you reading this are wondering, what can you get for a family of 6 for $10?  Well, let me tell you what I was able to get.  You have to be a really good shopper, use lots of coupons, and watch and wait for stuff to come on sale.  And that’s what I did to get all this stuff for $10.

Joy & Casey:  sandwich maker $2.  Yup $2.  Watch the ads, get the rebates.  Yeah Menards!
Stella-jumper and top and quilt $0  The material was given to me and I have a sewing machine and thread.
Isaac, Caleb and Noah:  Snare Drum with stand.  Free with sticks and music books.  (craigslist)  Actually in really good shape
Large coloring books with stickers and colors, science book for Isaac, $2
I’m making Snowman Soup for everyone. $2  Hot chocolate mix with candycane in it.
Bubble bath for all the kids $.50, new ornament for the tree for everybody, $.0 (I have tons of craft stuff) New piano music for my daughter and Isaac.  Free.  (free sheetmusic downloads), cookies, homemade.

It will cost me more for gas to drive to their house than it did for all this stuff.  

Now most people will say:  well my kids wouldn’t want that.  Trust me, kids don’t need all the junk they have.  

Thursday I went to my daughters to go to Isaac’s Christmas Band Concert.  I went early to play with the kids.  While I was playing, I asked the little boys:  Caleb -5 and Noah -3 what they wanted for Christmas.  Here’s what they told me:  "we want you to come and play with us Manna!"  They could have cared less about toys.  They may be unusual kids, but I don’t think so.
I then asked Isaac-12 what he wanted and he said:  nothing!  He told me he had all the stuff he needed.  Now Stella is too little to ask.  So I looked at my daughter and I said:
"I only have $10 to spend on Christmas this year for your family."  And this was her reply.  "Mom, we don’t need anything.  And by the way, you already gave my family the best gift they could ever give.  You have taught me from a little girl that Christmas wasn’t about getting presents, it was about the birth of the Christ Child and his Life."  "Just come down and stay at our house and play with the kids.  That’s all they want is their Manna."

Now that I’m another year older and another year wiser, I’m so glad that I instilled this love of God into my daughters heart and into the heart of her family.

Do you know what I learned from Noah this year?  Mind you, I’ve been watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas for many years and never realized this until a 3 yr old pointed it out.  When the Grinch takes the "roast beast" from the refridgerator of the Who’s, it’s not roast beast.  It’s Turkey!!!!

What did Adam say to Eve on Christmas?

Merry Christmas, Eve!!!

Yeah I know that was stupid.  It was told by my 5 yr old grandson.  Come on, it was good.  He’s only 5.

Merry Christmas everyone.  God Bless you all.  Stay safe if you’re driving.  We have SNOW!!!!!

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December 18, 2011

Merry Christmas. It sounds like you have wonderful grandchildren who know the true meaning of Christmas. RYN: “Love, Actually” is one of my favorite movies, especially for Christmas.

December 23, 2011

Haha, that’s an excellent joke! Merry Christmas!