It’s been 4 months since I’ve been able to come here and write.  Either I’ve been too busy with other stuff, or this page has been shut down.

Let’s see:

Lots of snow in Southwest Wisconsin.  Christmas break started on Wednesday for the kids instead of Friday.  We had 14" of snow.  It was snowball snow.  Great for packing. Lots of kids out sleigh riding.  Snowmen in weird spots.  I spotted a snowman at the Library.

I finished my last Christmas piano piece this morning at church.  I was in a Keyboard Trio.  Piano, Organ, digital Piano (me), Chimes (me) and Woodblock (me)  We did an English-African Christmas Medley of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and "Sing Noel".  It was cool.  Lots of practice, lots of work.  I also played for the vocalist: Todd R.  He’s such a great musician.

We had our kids Christmas Program last Sunday night, and our Adult Choir Cantata on the Sunday before.  Lots of music filling the church this time of year.  Next Sunday I sing in a mixed 4.  We are still singing Christmas music.

Isaac and Caleb, school full time, Noah-Little Lambs on Fridays. And Stella-still at home.  Noah is the one that will come up with the craziest things.  Like last month:  He was supposed to take something that started with "E" to show and tell.  He told his mom he was taking "Easy Mac" .  Now how many 4 yr. olds would think of that.  And he was gonna tell how to make it too.  Now that’s smart.  Last week he took his little notebook out of his pocket and said to mom:  "it’s Friday, my notebook says I have to go to Little Lambs."  And never ever tell him he can’t read.  I made that mistake.  Boy was I wrong.

Isaac is doing well for 13.  He just bought an iPod with his savings from watching Caleb.  He asked his mom if he could and she said yes, but she was going to look at what was on it every night.  They agreed and he spent his money.  Yes, he got a refurbished one. $129 from Apple.

Caleb, well Caleb is Caleb.  Artistic and always building something from the recycle bin.  Monsters, robots, trucks. And last week Caleb and Isaac watched a video on You Tube that showed them how to take the spring out of the Nerf Gun to make the balls come out faster.  Now all the Nerf Guns are without the spring.  They took them all apart.  Mom warned them not to shoot an eye out.  Reminds me of the line in A Christmas Story.

Stella is 2 going on 15.  Smart, too smart for 2.  Cute as a bugs ear and sweet as apple pie.  A splitting image of her momma at 2.

Mom and Dad are just fine.  They have a new addition at their house.  Nope, not a baby,ell sorta.  Jackson their 10 yr. old black Lab is having lots of health issues, so before he passes away they went and got another black Lab mix.  His name is Jesse.  Now we have Jesse Jackson on Jackson St..  hahahaha!!!!

I’m as ok as I’m gonna get.  I had my Disability Hearing last Friday.  I thought it went well.  My attorney was a Neuropsychologist before he became an Attorney for the Mentally Ill.  This is why I chose his law firm.  I knew he would understand my situation.  The judge I went before has only granted 19 cases in the state of Wi. since the beginning of the year.  The Vocational Rehab dude couldn’t find a job for me in my health catagory: No Stress-Low Stress.  Plus, I’m 54 and the cutoff for training is 55.  Then with my recent fall and injury to my torn meniscus on my left knee and no Dr. that will help me unless I have insurance, well I can’t stand for more than 20 minutes per hour.

I went to the Adult Christmas Party at church.  It was a catered dinner.  I went alone, like normal.  Let’s see if I can find the picture and post it up here.  Ooooo the choir picture.  Gotta find it.  It’s on facebook.  Yes, I’m on there.  You can find me at carol1frazer2.  If you’d like to follow me everyday and not just every so many months.  Just message me and tell me you are from OD.

Let’s see if I can post the pics.

Our Christmas Choir.  I’m the 2nd on the right. Our choir director is first.  Our canata is sung to a video that run in the background up to my upper right.

Thursday. According to Caleb, it’s getting worser outside.  Notice, pj’s, no coat, no shoes. This is how it looks all around southwest Wisconsin.

Noah, Caleb and Stella sitting on the island prepping to make Viennese Kiss Cookies with Momma.  These are traditions they will always remember.


Stella, she dressed herself and told her mom she was going to school. She has Caleb’s shoes and mittens on and Noah’s backpack.  Momma says: I don’t think she realized she’s still in her PJ’s.

This is Isaac.  He is almost taller than his mom.  He is in 7th grade and he was getting ready for the half time show during the football game.

Isaac is the 2nd from the right with his back towards the stands.  He plays Trombone, Piano, Trumpet, Guitar and Ukelele.

joy n casey thompsonThis is my most favorite picture of my daughter and her husband Casey.  It was a blizzard the day they got married. Dec. 3, 2005.  Recently, Noah was looking at this picture and he said:  "this is my mom when she was a Princess."  I love that.

May everyone who reads this have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  God Bless each and every one of you who have come to be my friends over the years.  Love you all.  Carol

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December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas. I am glad that your family is doing well. Sorry to hear about your injury, though.

December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas to you and your family. Your daughter is just beautiful! The photos are awesome! For us it is so unfamiliar to see the snow in such abundance. Just love all the photos.

December 24, 2012

I will pray for your results of the hearing. I sure hope it comes through for you. love the pics! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New year.

December 24, 2012

Great entry! Merry Christmas to you all!

December 25, 2012

I hope your hearing went in your favour. I am not sure by what you wrote. I loved all the pictures. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.