Life Saga

Hi all,
I know it’s been awhile since I have written on here, but it makes it hard when I don’t have a computer at home anymore and I have to come to the library.  I am limited at the time that I can spend on the computer here, so I tend just to read emails.
Played for the wedding in May.  Went well.  Wonderful complements on the music and the arrangements and the CD that I produced for the reception.

June 15………………………….SAGA………………………………
One of my friends that lives outside of town here was forced to move from here apartment that she had rented for 4 yrs.  A week  before the 15th, she decided that she needed to look for another place to live.  So I, being the person I am, spent time and found her another apartment in her price range that accepted cats.  She had 3.  Well, actually 2…….but….
So on the 15th when she HAD to get out, she had no one to help her move her stuff like furniture and a deep freeze and tons and tons of books and magazines.  She’s a hoarder.  Never knew until the 15th.  So, she calls me and says:  "I need your help."  So I go out into the country and fill up my car with as many boxes as I can.  I made 11 trips with my car to her storage shed.  I even put furniture into my Cavalier and took it, because she failed to find someone with a truck and thought I was going to do it.
By 3 pm, I finally called some guys from church to see if they could come and help us, and I had her call some people that she works with that she knows has a truck.  Thank goodness they all showed up or she would have been screwed.
Got her stuff to the storage units.  But then she says:  "I have no where to stay." 
Well…………me being the person I am said: "you can stay with me."  ME AND MY BIG MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She has been with me since the 15th. 
Since this time I’ve heard nothing but:
1.  I can’t believe you eat that, it’s not good for you.  (it was brats, cucumber and onions salad, rice pudding)
2.  Why would you watch that movie, I didn’t like it.   (I love Chick Flicks)
3.  When are you getting a cat?  (like I told her before, I’m allergic to them)
4.  So, can I have a key to your apartment?  (nope)
5.  I’m sorry, but I think I threw your cell phone away.  (yup, she did.)
     I didn’t think it was a cell phone because it was flat and didn’t have a fliplid on it.  (it was an LG Slide)
     I hope you aren’t mad at me.  (no, I’m furious.  That phone had my mom’s voice on it from 2 yrs ago before she passed away, pics of my grandkids, special info.)
6.  I’ll do the laundry and dishes (no, I’ll do my own laundry.  She’s already shrank 2 outfits and a blanket by washing and drying on hot.)
7.  You should really eat fish and eggs.  (well, I can’t, I’m allergic too them)

This goes on like this everyday.  Tuesday I broke out into hives on my right knee.  And now while typing this I have hives on my face.  One more week.

Lord, give me the patience not to strangle my housemate.

I’m heading back home soon to shower and get ready for my grandson Isaac’s concert at 1:30pm today.  He’s been at Band Camp all week long.  I’m proud of him.  He got the award of:  Most Improved Musician.  He’ll be in 6th grade come fall semester.

Then I don’t know what I’m going to do after that.  One of my friends who has tv is at camp this week and I have a key to his apartment.  I might go there and watch tv.  Other than that, I will be outside reading a book on the yard swing.

Well, my minutes are about up on here, so I better finish and read a few notes.

Love you all.  Pray for me that I don’t lose my mind.


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June 25, 2011

I would say there is nothing new under the sun…I know the type very well unfortunately

June 25, 2011

Welcome Back! I was at your OD yesterday wondering what happened to. I have done the same thing -> helped out a friend and it drove me crazy! I finally had to say something. After two weeks, I said something. She was only supposed to be with me for the weekend, but she wanted to stay 4ever! Hang in there. Say something. Give her 24 hours to find another place.

June 25, 2011

lol I can totally relate. We have people constantly taking advantage of us and being totally RUDE! I will pray for you!!!

June 26, 2011

RYN: Thanks for your note. I admire your willingness to help out your friend, but she’s really taking advantage and even abusing that kindness. I hope that she moves out soon so you can be rid of the stress and aggravation.