Hi Everyone

Nothing really much to report.  Just that this week is Holy Week.  Lots of activities going on with Pancake Breakfasts and Church Services.

Palm Sunday at church yesterday was a great day!!  We had branches instead of fons.  That was neat.  Music was really good.  The Brass Choir played and Danni had her vocal special of the Resurrection Song with Holy, Holy, Holy.

Funny thing.  Danni called me on Saturday and I didn’t get the message until Sunday morning.  So I went to church at 9am and ended up singing in the Praise Band.  Then Danni says:  you know this song?  Nope!  So she played it on a CD and I played along.  I told her that I’d have to "wing it" for church and that’s what I did.

If you are in Southwest Wisconsin sometime, come to Platteville and the Platteville Free Methodist Church.  We have such an awesome Pastor.  Pastor Jeff is really a blessing to our church family.  His messages are so powerful and they reach right to the heart of the matter.

Next Sunday is going to be a busy Easter Sunday.
7am worship  Trudy and Susan play
8am  Breakfast
9am  Piano Trio practice  That’s Me!!!!
9:15am  Choir practice   That’s Me Again!!!!
9:30  Sunday School
10:30am  worship  Kaaren and I play, choir sings, and piano trio play special music

Then, who knows what will take place.  Most people will be going to family dinners.  I will probably be eating alone and watching a movie at home. 

Why?  Because my daughter and her family go to her husbands side of the family.  I’m left out.  It’s been this way for a really long time.  I’m used to it.  I’m not the only person that spends holidays alone.  I suggest that if you know someone in your area that is going to be alone for a holiday, please invite them to your home.  What would it take to have one more plate at the table?  Don’t you think this is what God would want you to do?

I have spent many holidays alone.  Thanksgiving I had a tv dinner and a movie in my living room.  I was safe, but lonely.  No phone calls from family, no calls from friends.  That’s basically how all my holidays are.  So, make someone happy, invite them to your house.  If you know an elderly person who’s alone, stop in with a plate of food if they can’t get out.

Make a difference in your town.  This year I am doing a brunch tomorrow in the apartment building that I live in.  We are have 3 kinds of quiche, fresh fruit, caramel rolls, sausage, juice and coffee.  When I leave here, I will be going back to the building to get ready for the brunch in the morning.  I decided if my family wasn’t going to invite me, I was going to do something for others.  So the building manager spoke to her boss and gave the ok. 

Spend time making a difference in your area not only this week, but everyday.  Be a positive force in a negative world.

Love you all, Carol

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April 20, 2011

Very inspirational! I am a loner and like being alone. I have to dodge all the invites.

April 22, 2011

We are alone as a family because my family is far away.