Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

 Hi All,
Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone.  May you stay safe on the roads as you travel to loved ones or if you’re not going anywhere, just stay safe.  Take some time out today and be thankful for everything that you have.  Health, Food, Clothes, Family, Job, Friends, Finances, anything you can list.

If you talk with a child and ask them what they are thankful for, you will be amazed at what they say.
My grandkids are thankful for their mom and dad, their dog-Jackson, each other, their grandparents, and I was amazed at some of their other thoughts this morning.  One of them was thankful that mom and dad tell them about Jesus.  Stella is only 1 and when I asked her what she was thankful for she went and got her juice cup.  That’s something to be thankful for too.  Caleb, well, he’s a different kettle of fish.  He was upset that there wasn’t any school today and tomorrow because he’s thankful for his school.  He’s not thankful for turkey or chicken because he would rather have popcorn.  Noah is 3 and he said he is thankful for his dinosaurs.  As for mom and dad, well, like Joy put it, she’s thankful for everything they have and even for what they don’t have because God has given her the ability to choose what is best for her family.

I on the other hand am so very thankful that Jesus died on the Cross to save me from my sins.  Because if it weren’t for His shed blood, we’d have no salvation.  I’m also thankful for my daughter and her family, friends, church, music, food, clothes and so much more.  I’m thankful that God has taught me many lessons this past yr. and 3 months living on zero income.  It’s been great!!!!  Yes great!!  Why?  Because He’s showed me that I don’t need everything that I want.  He has shown me that I am perfectly fine without all the nonsense that this world offers.  That I can get along just fine without tons of junk.

I’m also thankful for all the wonderful people that I’ve met here on OD over the years.  If it wasn’t for a friend of mine that’s still on here, I would never have met any of you.  Every last one of you I treasure in my life.  I treasure for the encouragment, the prayers, the kind words, the laughter, and many other things that we’ve shared with one another.  I’m also glad that I know several of you personally.  You have become great friends and I will always treasure our friendship whether near or far.

Blessings to all,
Happy Thanksgiving

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November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I hope it was a good one for you all. My family and I had a good day, and I’m very thankful for time to spend with them and the good health we have.

November 25, 2011

I am thankful that I met you on OD and that we have the SAME bday! It is coming soon, too! I am going to celebrate it in MD with my daughter and her family.