Good Morning Spring

Good morning Spring.  Today is a beautiful day in southwest Wisconsin.  It’s about 60 at noon.  Yesterday, Sunday was 81 and Saturday was 70.  I’m loving this weather!! 
The apartments that I live in have a waist high garden that is 15 feet long by 4 foot wide.  I planted 48 onion sets the other day.  The landlady said she’d buy tomato plants for me if I want.  I said:  yeah!!!
I have a part time job with the apartments.  I will be doing Arts & Crafts with the residents once a month.  This Thursday we will be decorating Easter Eggs.  I have several ideas for them.
1.  just dying with the regular dye
2.  food coloring liquid with a drop of vegetable oil in a ziplock makes swirly glossy eggs.
3.  decopage eggs
4.  bubble wrap and acrylic paint
5.  tie-dye with rubber bands.
6.  stickers

I also have lots of different recipes for uses of hard-boiled eggs that I will be printing out for the residents.

In May I will be playing the piano for the apts. for 3 hours at the Open House.  This is also a paid gig.  I’m happy about this also. 

May also brings a wedding on Memorial Day weekend.  This is a big to-do at my church.  Three of our 4 pianists will be playing for the wedding.  We are actually all playing together on different instruments.  Grand Piano, Organ and Digital Piano.  I’m on the digital.  I love playing digital!!!  It also means graduations and parties.

June brings other adventures.  A trip to Wisconsin Dells with nursing friends,  and maybe some youth from church.  It also means Cuba City fair and time spent with grandkids on summer break.

July brings lots of fairs and cookouts, parades, parties, etc.. 

August brings another wedding, the starting of school, buying all those supplies.  I will be helping my daughter, because she will have 2 kids in school this fall.  Isaac will be in 6th grade and Caleb will be in Kindergarten.  Then she’ll only have Noah and Stella at home.  Stella will be 1 this month also.

September brings Caleb’s 5th birthday, and falling leaves, pumpkins and other fall vegetables.  It also brings another wedding for me to play for. 

October means Isaac will be 12.  This is impossible, right???  It also brings decorating for fall and putting summer clothes away and bringing out the winter stuff.

November brings 2 birthdays.  Joy- my daughter will be 29, she’ll kill me if she finds out I wrote this, and Noah will be 3.  It also brings the love of being with my family for Thanksgiving.  I love to gather with family.  It’s very important you know.

December.  Well we all know it brings Christmas, but it also brings my birthday on the 12th.  Let’s see, how old do I want to be this year???  Then there is snow, ice and all the other elements that happen in Southwest Wisconsin.

Well, there you have it for my so-called updated year of events.  I’m sure there are things that I haven’t even mentioned, because they don’t exist yet. 

Stay well everyone.  Love you all.  Know that each one of you are very special in my life, even if we haven’t met in person.

Until I’m back at the library……HUGS.

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April 11, 2011
April 11, 2011


April 12, 2011

From Saturday through Monday, we had three straight days of 80+ degree weather, but today it’s back to rainy and cool. I am definitely a warm weather person myself.

April 14, 2011

You have a lot of good on the horizon. Spring and summer are always a happy time for me.