Forth of July, 2011

Hello Open Diary,
I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted.  I’m fine.  

The person that I had living with me is now moved into her own place.  Thank you Lord for great blessings.  I’m still not sleeping because of being stressed for 3 wks.  I get up at least 3 times per night right now.  Not good for sleeping.  Can’t seem to get back to sleep unless I read or do a crossword or watch a movie on the tv.

My friend Chris has set me up an account on his computer since I don’t have internet anymore.  What a nice neighbor and friend.  We are trying to figure out how to get the internet to bounce off of his router to my router between floors here in the apartment building.  We are one floor and one apartment away from each other.  I live on the 6th and he’s on the 5th.

How was your 4th of July?  Mine was fine.  My church had an all-church picnic PotLuck at someone’s country home.  It was from Noon to 5pm.  I took out a 4-bean salad.  Most of it was gone by the time I got my stuff to come home.  There were lots of games:  water balloon toss, balloon volleyball, yard golf, horseshoes, bean bag toss, volleyball, badmiton and wagon rides.  I played water balloon toss and got my partner soaked like she wanted.  The only other thing I did was the wagon ride.  The home we were at has 2 natural springs.  They took us back to see the springs.  The temperature dropped about 10* in the woods.  It was great!!

After we ate and did the wagonride I went and sat on the porch and chatted with everyone around.  Then several little kids had extra water balloons and I tried to get them to throw one at our pastor, but they wouldn’t do it.  So they threw it at their mom instead.  Then we started to play with the water hose.  The owner of the country home said:  "who’s a bigger kid, you or them?"  Probably me.

Anyway, we had a great time and the weather was great!  Tonight it’s supposed to rain, but that’s fine with me.  

I didn’t go watch the Fireworks either night.  Just not into crowds anymore.  Loved just staying home.  Read a great book.  "Behind the Yellow Tape".  It’s the truth behind what Crime Scene Investigations go thru at the CSI  Academy.

Well all, take care.  Enjoy your week and the weekend.  

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July 5, 2011

That book sounds interesting. Sounds like a nice picnic too. I didn’t go to the fireworks either but this year it was due to being tired. Last year I didn’t want to but I wouldn’t normally miss it two years in a row. I’m glad your friend is helping with computer outage 🙂 Take care.

July 6, 2011

I’m glad the roommate is gone, but it was very rude of her to pay everyone except you when you went above and beyond to help her out. I’m glad you had a fun 4th. We did too. We watched fireworks.

July 9, 2011

Getting a wireless connection can work if you have the wireless thingie. You sound happy and the fourth of July sounds like a blast.

July 12, 2011

My junior year of Highschool a nearby college put on a Crime Scene Investigation workshop, and I went. It was an 8 hour lecture, and the rest was lab time to see how stuff REALLY worked. We got to investigate a mock crime scene for evidence, and test it. It was pretty neat!