February, Come and Gone

 Well, my last post didn’t post until today.  Now that’s weird.  Oh well.  Yes, February has come and is almost gone.  It’s been a super busy month for me.

Started with lots of snow here in southwestern Wisconsin.  Also, it has been really cold the last couple of days.  Winds blowing from the WSW or ESE.  Makes it cold in my living room.  

Still no signs of the disability yet.  Talked with the Attorneys a week ago.  They said:  "it’s gonna take another 6 months."  I’m thinking to myself, WHY?  It’s almost been 2 yrs. so what’s the hold-up?  They say it’s the State of WI.  WI tells me it’s the Government.  I don’t know who to believe anymore.  I can just tell you that today when I received an Email from one of the politicians here in WI, asking me to send them $58 for a birthday present, I let my mind rip.  Was I nice?  I tried to be.  It was hard.  Cuz I let them have it.  Basically I told them they didn’t send me $53 on my birthday, so why should I send them $58 on theirs!!!!!

Then…………..I went into the part about helping me get my disability.  I said:  if you want me to support you, then you are going to have to do something for me 1st.  Basically, I won’t get anywhere and I know that, but it was worth a shot.

So far I haven’t been sick this season.  Yeah!!!  Lots of bugs going around this season.  Mumps, Whooping Cough, Double Ear Infections, Pneumonia, etc.  My grandkids have had the double ear infections and the pneumonia.  Besides that, my oldest grandson got hurt last Thursday night at the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells.  He went with another family with 5 boys from his school.  It was a 4 day weekend thingy.
He was on this slide that has you in a box at a 85* angle.  You have no idea when they are going to release you.  You are to keep your hands behind your head.  Well Isaac is 12 and he’s tall and skinny.  Normal reaction to a drop like that is to reach out to grab something.  When they let him drop, he was freefalling away from the slide.  When he finally hit the slide, he hit with the back of his head 1st.  It cracked his skull open.  By the time he reached the bottom of the slide, people were staring at him.  When he reached his hand up to his head, it came back full of blood.  The life guards took him by wheelchair to the first aid station and bandaged his head and then told the mother of the other boys to take him to the Urgent Care.  Well, the Urgent Care was closed.  So they had to drive to Baraboo in a blinding snowstorm 15 minutes away from the Dells.  They got to St. Claire Hosp. only to be told they don’t take Medical Associates Insurance.  So they had to call my daughter and ask her what she wanted them to do.  The Drs. had to put staples into the back of Isaac’s head because of the deep gash.
Like I told my daughter……the Kalahari should be paying for this.  They shouldn’t be allowing kids as light weight as Isaac on the slide.  I know he’s the right height, but he’s not the right weight.

This morning it was crazy in town.  It was like a parade of sirens.  Police, Ambulances, FireTrucks.  All around 9:30am.  Scared the daylights out of me.  Never did find out where they went.

I’m doing ok for the most part.  Several days with anxiety over my grandson, but otherwise fine.  Still without an income, but so are lots of other people.

This week I’m fish sitting.  That’s why I’m on the computer tonight at Chris’.  He’s home for the week with family.  If you are wondering if I talk to the fish, yes, I do.  They have names and personalities.  Right now there are 2 of them that have lost their back tail fin.  You know, the rudder.  It’s weird.  It’s like Nemo with a short side fin.  Don’t know if "The Godfather" ate it or if the fishes got tangled in a rock.

I’m gonna try and grab some pictures from FB of my grandkids.  Hopefully this works.

This is Isaac at home after the accident.

This is Stella age 18 months.  She can say lots of stuff if you can understand Klingon.

This is Noah.  Age 3.  Having a snack and playdoh.  Now let’s not eat the playdoh, ok?

This is Caleb.  He is 5.  He is rapping.  He doesn’t want his picture taken, so the next slide I didn’t post because he was sticking out his tongue.
Typical for Caleb, who doesn’t like me to take pictures.

This is me with my brother Jack at my mom’s funeral service.  I miss my family.  Especially mom.

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February 27, 2012

aww! I love the pictures! Poor Isaac, that sounds so painful!

February 28, 2012

Glad to receive an update from you. The pictures are great, and you’ve got a lovely family. I hope Isaac is doing okay. Head injuries can be dangerous.

February 29, 2012

You have cute grandkids! ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))) I can’t imagine losing my mother.

March 4, 2012

Kalahari is a huge desert in southern Africa as well. The poor kid! Isn’t it sad that money comes before treatment? He could have died, he is so lucky to survive it all, with no concussion or anything!? Goodness! I have seen pics of the snow in your part of the world this week. Amazing! I hope your financial situation will be sorted out soon. We’re all in a tough place, or rather, most of the world are now in a bad situation. Good luck and blessings to you.

March 4, 2012

Your grand children are beautiful. I like the picture of you! It is nice to see what a person writing the diary looks like. As for money and lack there of, I feel like the brokest middle class person out there.