
 Hi all,
How is everyone fairing?  Valentines is past.  Thank God for favors.  I hate that day with a passion.  Never did like it after my divorce was final on V-day.
I stayed home and hibernated.  Watched a few movies that I had rented.  27 Dresses, Love Actually, and The Devil Wears Prada.  I don’t have cable anymore so I just watch movies.
Then the day after the landlord came and dropped off a pink rose at my door.  I said "what’s this for?"  She said:  "cuz I love you."  I told her that I don’t celebrate v-day.  She asked  why
and I told her.
No internet anymore.  Have to come to my friend Chris’ apt to use the computer.  Otherwise I go to the library or the university and use the computers there.  Don’t tell the univ I’m using their labs for  personal use.
My daughter went to CA, San Juan Capistrano.  She’s there for a week.  She and Stella flew from Madison to Chicago and then San Juan Capistrano.  Huge accident on the highway yesterday on the way to Madison. 13 cars, semis and buses.
The boys are home with daddy.  How much you wanna bet that the house is a disaster when she gets home????

Well, hope everyone stays well, and enjoy spring.

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