Essen Haus

The Essen Haus.
Well………………..this is totally out of my element.  The Essen Haus is in downtown Madison, WI.  It is a restaurant-bar with a stage for performers.  It is a German pub with a huge German theme.

Last Saturday night, Andy took me to the Essen Haus to see Steve Meisner in concert.  Needless to say, the place was packed full because it’s a favorite spot for the Badgers to come together after a game.  Saturday Wisconsin beat the Indiana Hoosiers 83-20 in football.

After about 1/2 hr. wait, we were seated near the dance floor on the upper table section.  The tables around us had families who were enjoying their meals.  Andy & I had eaten already so we just ordered Pepsi and Popcorn. 

Pretty soon all the families left and we were joined by the college kids.  Oh my!!!!  It gets really loud and rambuncious with college kids next to you.  We were sitting and enjoying the music when this one college guy practically sat on my lap.  I thought Andy was gonna wail on him. He apologized and then started talking to me.  He told me his name was Nate.  So I asked him if he was a Badger fan.  He was from Madison, but the group he was with were from Indiana and were all Hoosier fans.  I asked him how he knew them and he said he went to school in Indiana.  Then he and the girl next to him asked me where I went to school.  I laughed at them and said:  "Look, I’m old enough to be your mom!"  They said: "no way!"  I said:  "yes I am."  Then Nate asked Andy: "is your girlfriend old enough to be our mom?"  Andy says: "yes, she is."  Then Nate asks:  "how old are you?"  I look at him and I say:  "how old do you think I am?"  He says:  "early 40’s".  I’m like sorry, I’m 52.  He looks at Andy and says:  "your wife is great looking for 52.  What do you do to keep her looking so young?"
I looked at Nate and said:  "Andy & I aren’t married.  Were are friends."  Nate looks at Andy and says:  "You better consider marrying her soon before someone else takes her."  Andy looks at him and says:  "you better quit hitting on her, she’s mine."  I looked at Andy and I said:  "you’re jealous aren’t you?"  He replied: "yes!"

We actually had a really good conversation with all of them and they shared their cheese curds and chicken wings with us.  We left at midnight for our long drive back to Platteville.

I’m still tired from this.  But I did have fun.

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November 17, 2010

Glad that you and Andy are getting along so well.

November 20, 2010

It sounds like a lot of fun. Loud but fun!

November 24, 2010

Ha! sounds fun. young people are so fun to be around usuallly.