Down for the Count

 Ok, yeah, I got a stinking cold.  I feel like I got ran over by a bus.  I have no energy to do anything.  All I want to do is sleep.

Food doesn’t taste good.  Can’t smell it, so I can’t taste it either.  Basically I feel like……………well you know.

Talked to my grandkids today.  Here’s what they went as:  Isaac was a gorilla, Caleb was Spiderman, Noah was a pumpkin and Stella was a ladybug.  They also took the neighbor kids with them.  The older boys:  Isaac and his friends came home and counted all their candy.  Can you believe those kids scored 275 pieces EACH!!!  I remember getting around 50 and thought that was alot.  And then when my daughter started going out, the local businesses gave out cans of soda.  Heck the kids last night got full size candy bars.  Some people have money.  I didn’t hand anything out.  You can call me a party pooper if you want.  I just don’t see the joy in it anymore.  This is what happens when you get older.  Some things in your life change for the better, others for the worse.

Got my packet today from the attorney that I hired on Friday.  That was quick!!!  Lots of paperwork to fill out.  Releases from all my medical doctors.  Hate to tell him I need more releases than he sent me.  I’ve had lots of Drs. over the years.  I don’t know if that’s good or bad.

Trying to find some money to do the laundry.  I’ll be washing in the bathtub again because I can’t afford the washing machine at $1.00 per wash.  I hardly ever use the dryer, because it doesn’t get things dry.  $1.00 to dry and you’re lucky if $3.00 dries your stuff.  I put up 17 feet of clothesline in my apartment and I hang stuff on the line and over the shower rod in the bathroom.  Gotta save where you can.

Thursday night, a bunch of us are getting together for Perogies, with bacon, onion, sour cream sauce, vegs, and I made a raspberry strudel.  We were supposed to do it tonight, but people forgot there was something going on at church.  I didn’t have to go tonight, so that’s why I’m on Chris’ computer.  He lets me check my email and stuff while he’s at church.  This way I don’t have to go to the library as much, plus I don’t really feel like going to the library right now.

Well, I guess that’s all I know for now.  I’ll update later when I find out more.

Take care my friends.  If you have snow, keep it.  It was beautiful in southwest Wisconsin today.  63*.  I’m not looking forward to snow.  Not yet, even though I know it is  November.

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November 2, 2011

Hope you recover soon. We have SNOW! We have a 2 hour delay where I am subbing today. Woot! Woot!

November 2, 2011

love ya!!!

November 2, 2011

Something my disability attorney told me was not to go in to a lot of detail with my answers. They think if you can answer a question with a lot of words than you are able to work. Keep them short and to the point, only using yes and no if you can.

November 5, 2011

I would agree that is a ton for a load of laundry. When our washing machine broke it was five dollars a load in town. It was a RIP OFF. I was glad when it was repaired. As for Halloween, it is tons of fun when you are little.