Do I Look Like the Help Agency?

Do I look like the local help agency?  What the heck?

Why do some people think that I will help them with ALL their problems?  What?  Do I have all the answers?  I doubt it.

I’m overwhelmed.  I don’t understand why people come to me for help.  I really don’t get it.

Here’s the drift…………….

A friend of mine from church, her son was in a serious motorcycle accident and he is in the University hospital.  She didn’t want to go see him by herself because he looked so terrible and she didn’t understand what all the tubes were for that he had.  So she calls me up and says:  "will you go with me?"  I’m like yeah.  So I go along.  All the way to the hosp. she’s asking all kinds of questions about the tubes.  Then she wanted to know why he can’t swallow food.  I told her it’s because his brain doesn’t connect with the mouth to chew the food and swallow.  When she got to speak to the doctor she asked this same question and this was the same answer he gave her.  She looked at him and said:  "that’s what Carol told me."  The doctor asked me what I did or if I was a nursing.  I told him I worked in nursing 25 yrs.  He thanked me for giving the correct information.

Some new people at church needed help with getting into safe housing.  They couldn’t get into housing here, because they aren’t residents of Wisconsin.  So I had to send them back home and get them connected with a mission and some housing and protection in the area that they came from.

Hooked some people up with grants and told them how to go about writing a grant.  Said I’d help them write it if they needed.  (me and my big mouth)

BTW:  I GOT A JOB!!!!!!

I start on the 24th at Colony Brands.  I will be a problem solver and a phone rep.  I will work the PM shift.  I get to choose my own hours and my own days.  Right now I have 25 hrs. per week.  1-9:30 pm on Mondays and Tuesdays and 1-5:30pm on Thursdays and Fridays.  No weekends and no wednesdays due to church.

I’m going nuts here at the library.  There is this kid back in the back talking outloud and driving me nuts.  I’m leaving because I can’t stand it anymore.

Love to all.

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October 14, 2011

Congrats on your new job!

October 19, 2011

Hopefully you will get some financial relief! It’s a good thing you were there to help those people but yes it can be exhausting!

October 22, 2011

Good news on the job front! Some people are good for help because they know how.