Depression Roars Its Ugly Head

Hi Friends,
Depression is something that I deal with on a daily basis.  This week has been extremely terrible. It started last week, well actually before that.

I am a member of the worship Team at my church.  Several months ago I had words with another pianist.  She told me that I wasn’t that great of a pianist and the congregation likes her and not me.  I was like: whatever.  But when she’s around the Pastor and Board members she’s all nicey nice.  That doesn’t go in my book. So on Easter she complained to the Pastor that I wasn’t nice. It wasn’t that I was mean or anything. It was that I didn’t speak to her and ignored her during the first service. I played on the Contemporary team at the 10:30am service.  She played the 8am Traditional service.

So last week I had to meet with the Pastor on Thursday and he told me I HAD to be nice to her and I HAD to love her.  I told him I couldn’t do it.  So, because I won’t comply with orders, then they are removing me from the roster.  This sent me into a HUGE Depressive state.

Then last Sunday I along with 12 others had to take a class called: Reducing The Risk at church.  I work with kids in the Crafts at CLC on Wednesday nights.  CLC=Christian Life Club. The class was about spotting potential abuse victims and keeping adults away from the kids if there is a potential for harm. We had to fill out all kinds of stuff including papers for a background check.

Well, guess who can’t work with the kids anymore? Me.  Why? Because I was a victim of rape as a child and they say that anyone who has had this happen too them could do it to a child.  They want me in counseling.  I am in counseling.  I am a RISK.  I could potentially harm a child without knowledge by words, inappropriate touching, etc..

That hurt really bad.  I can’t stand anyone getting hurt.

 Other stuff has happened too. Like someone from church offered to help me with groceries and medications, but wouldn’t do it unless I told her more than $50. She told the Pastor she felt used by me.  Like I don’t appreciate anything.   Not so.

With all this going on, my mind starts talking and it won’t shut up.  I drives me absolutely insane.

So her I am, another sleepless night..

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April 28, 2012

Wow… this is just heartbreaking. My heart just breaks for you right now. It sounds like you might need to find another church. I know that ALL churches have their problems and no church is perfect or even close (mine included) but… this is just ridiculous how these people are acting. Jesus was all about loving people and forgiveness and showing kindness and tenderness. All of this friction andtension between people is just not good in a church that is trying to send out His message. I’m really sorry. 🙁

April 29, 2012

People can be so cruel. They need to show compassion. Ugh.. I hope you get to feeling better very soon.

April 29, 2012

I am sorry to hear you’ve been dealing with this. Like one of the others said, maybe it’s time for a new church. These people obviously are not appreciative of what you have to offer, and really, that’s their loss.

April 29, 2012

RYN: Thanks for stopping by. I love Wisconsin and look across the Mississippi at it every day. Please feel free to stop by any time but I have to say, I have reached my “max” of noters and will never leave the computer if I take more! Still, thanks for visiting.

April 29, 2012

*HUGS* I’m sorry you couldn’t see the videos. I hope your day is going better today.

May 6, 2012

Good grief! I don’t get the pianist thing. Some people are so immature. As for the working with children, I think that is so unfair. They are insane. The research applies to men. Women rarely abuse children in that manner. They are assuming a lot.

May 18, 2012

Wow! Sounds like your Pastor and church members are being very anti-Christian with all the judgements. I agree with the above noters; it is time to change churches.

May 21, 2012

This is terrible. The opposite should have happened. Can you change churches perhaps since this one seems to get the Christian message totally wrong in my humble opinion.

May 25, 2012

Hi, how is everything with you? Stay strong in Jesus, my friend. I wish I could have read this earlier but we seem to have lost touch for a while. You know when we serve the Lord, we experience all kinds of attack. I hope and pray that you spend more quiet time with the Lord. Take care.

May 25, 2012

p.s. I pray that this is only a temporary setback and that the Lord will continue to use your singing talent for His glory.