And so life goes on………………

Life goes on…………….
Wednesday, Nov. 10 was Noah Frances’ 2nd birthday.  When I called in the morning I sang Happy Birthday to him and he said: "I’m 1!"  I said: "No, you’re 2 today."  Oh well, he’ll figure it out in his own two year old timing, not Nana’s timing.

Haven’t really packed many more boxes, because then I just have to take stuff out when I want the stuff.  It’s so hard living like this. 

Wasn’t the weather great yesterday???  71 here in Southwest WI.  Breezy, but absolutely beautiful.

Thursday, Nov. 11. 
Andy and I were going to go to a Veteran’s Day program today, but last night when I got home from helping Andy with a project, I had a phone message and the apartment manager that I’ve been working with wanted me to call her right away this morning.
So I left a message on Andy’s cell, hoping that he’d listen to it, which he didn’t.  Oh well.  So he waited for me at Badger Bros. thinking there was something wrong.  I’m sorry I did that too you Andy.

Went to the apartment unit.  She wanted to tell me that all my paperwork was accepted and that I was able to get the original apartment that I wanted #604.  Pent House facing south.  It’s the largest 1 bedroom in the building of 700sq ft.  It’s newly remodeled in the last week and she let me choose a wall color.  I chose Sand.  They also let me choose which wall I wanted it on in the living room.  Since my windows are all on the south side of my apartment, I put the colored wall on the north side, to break up the offwhite walls.  The sun will also reflect off that wall and brighten up my apartment.

Got done with the final paper signing and was given the move-in days as the 27th and 28th of Nov.  I’m going to ask for the 26th too.  Hopefully they will give me the key that day so I can bring in clothes, dishes, and other fragile items that I don’t want others breaking.

Headed over to Badger Bros.  My Pastor was there talking to Andy and another church member.  I walked in and Andy asked:  "is everything ok?"  I said:  "yes, I’ll tell you in the car."  Spoke with Pastor Jeff and Bob and Andy for awhile and then Andy and I left.

Andy wanted to put in some job apps at several places, so we did that, then we went to Dubuque, ate lunch, to the book store, Andy is book crazy.  I can do research, but just to sit and read, my hands have to be busy too.  I’m creative.  Artsy–Fartsy.  Nerdy.  I like paints, crayons, pencils, colored pencils, sidewalk chalk, music, yarn, that kind of stuff.  Did you know you can make clay from one slice of white bread???
       1.  Take a slice of white bread and peel the crust off of it.  
       2.  Rip the bread up into small pieces and place in a ziplock baggie.
       3.  Take any color of craft paint and put 2-3 drops of color onto the bread.
       4.  Put 2 tablespoons of craft white glue into the baggie.
       Knead all this together until the color is worked all the way into the bread, and the bread ball is nice and soft.  It will feel just like clay.
       Play with it, mold it, shape it.  I make tiney-tiny roses from this mix.  Let them air dry and they look like porcelin.  If you keep it in the
       ziplock, you can play with it for awhile.

Got back to PVL and dropped Andy off at his place, then I went to Goodwill to find a pair of dark jeans.  Score!!!!  Got a whole new outfit for $15.  Jeans, t-shirt and blouse. 

Andy asked me out on a full day date for this Saturday.  We are going to Madison for the day.  It’s only an hour from town.  I’ll drive up there.  First stop:  Ward Brodt Music Mall.  I’ll be here most of the day if he’d let me.  Andy would because he’s a musician too.  I love you Andy.
I’ve been looking for a sheet of music by Moses Hogan titled:  "I Am His Child".  I know I can get it from them.  I looked online already.
Then when we leave there, I’ll let Andy drive because the Badgers are playing Indiana at Camp Randall and we are going to the Madison Museum of Cultural Art.  Because of all the years he drove OTR, he knows his way around downtown.  We could be walking quite a distance with all the Badger fans in town for the ft.ball game.  After the Cultural Museum, we are going to the Capital building and walk around the rotundra.  I haven’t done that in years.  If it isn’t too cold, I want to walk along the lake front at Monona Terrace and take pictures of the lake.  Then we will probably do lunch somewhere.  Maybe shop a little on the east side, who knows.  But our final destination is:  The Essen Haus.  We are going dancing.  Steve Meisner will be playing from 8:30pm to 2am.  I don’t think we’ll stay that late, but I do know that we’ll stay until midnight.  Then I’ll drive back home.  I can’t wait.  I’m like a kid in a candy shop.

Andy makes me feel soooo special.  I can’t explain.  I love having someone open the doors for me and hold them while I walk thru.  I love having him wait until I’m seated and then he sits.  I love our in-depth conversations on starting small businesses here in town. I love just being with Andy and watching the stars, like we did on Tuesday night.  It was so beautiful to just sit and look at the stars.  Who needs to talk when you have that much beauty.  I love you Andy.

And life goes on……………………..

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November 11, 2010

You sound very blissful. Great! RYN and I have been so busy teaching that I have not even thought about our bdays! If I can swing it, I would like to escape to a nice motel over the weekend and not let anybody know! What do you think? I would love to go to Embassy Suites; they have free Happy Hours and breakfasts!

November 11, 2010


November 12, 2010

well, I have missed the original talk of this Andy. I’m glad he is treating you right! You deserve it. Noah is two already? wow That is great you got that apartment!

November 12, 2010

Ha! I thought I had the only man left that did those kinds of things. You better hang onto that one, there’s not many like him left!

November 13, 2010

I thought you owned your trailer. I guess I wonder why you are moving.