Achilles Tendon Tear

Last friday night I got home from work around 11pm.  Let the dog out and put my stuff away.  When I let her back in she was full of snow.  Long story short, I ended up tripping over her, poor Bridgie Girl, and I tore my achilles tendon in my left foot.

Saturday I stayed home because it hurt sooo bad.  Sunday I went to church and then yesterday I thought if I could get my workshoes on with an acewrap I’d be fine.  So I worked my 8hrs. and came home in the snowstorm.

This morning it hurt so bad I couldn’t hardly step on it.  So, I called into work around 8am and told them I was taking off because of the snow.  Then I made an appointment with my doctor at 9:15am.  Got to the office and basically had to hop all the way to the door.  Xrays taken of the left foot.  And sure enough Achilles tendon is torn.  So……….doc comes in and says:  we’re going to wrap it with softgauze the stuff we put on before a cast and then we are going to ace wrap it and give you crutches.

Then she says:  "I’m keeping you off work."  She faxed my boss the release, and my boss called her back and says:  "I can’t afford to have her off another week!"  "She’s my main CNA on the PM shift."  "I need her at work."  So my boss calls me back with the human resource person on the line and says:  "there’s plenty of work for you to do, so come in anyway at your normal time."  Now explain to me how I’m going to get around on crutches when the snow is up to my knees in my driveway and the  entrance to the building is 1/2 block from the parking lot. 

I go back to work tomorrow.  I think I might use a walker instead.  It’s easier than crutches.  Plus I can put a tray table on it and carry my lunch that way.  This stinks!!

My mobilehome is actually too narrow in the hallway to use the crutches too.  I’ve been looking for my night splint.  Otherwise I’m gonna call the clinic back and tell them my boss is having me come to work.

Hope everyone in OD land is in better shape than I am.  Stay well.  Enjoy the snow if you have it like I do.

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February 9, 2010

Ouch, I only over stretched my tendon and it really hurt. It must be super painful. RYN: I posted some pictures of my daughter dancing a while back. It tends to go that way when you are taking photos of events. My children tend to have very different activities.

February 10, 2010

hey im leaving these notes reandomnly but read my diary entries please and leave some responses, ir eally need some feedback! i just got back on opendiary. ill return the favor if i see you on my page. thanks