
 It’s so hot here in Wisconsin, I can hardly breathe.  I have to stay in the A/C or I get sick and feel woozy.  

I have a computer for awhile.  My friend Chris is at camp for 3 wks. and I get to look after his apartment, dump trash, watch tv and play on the computer.  This means I’ll be able to rant and rave for awhile.

I’m getting another computer.  A friend of mine is giving me her mom’s since her mom got a new one.  It has XP on it instead of Vista.  Yeah, I hated Vista.  It had so many flaws in it.

Do you know there are tattle tales in the apartment living unit that I’m in?

Tuesday night I was downstairs putting pieces into a jigsaw puzzle.  Andy was watching the news with Melton when Melton decided he was heading back to his apartment.  I ignored the two of them.  Melton wished me a good night and left. (he’s about 90)  I continued to put pieces into the puzzle while Andy continued to be an idiot.  He burped and farted out loud and said things like:  "these are for you."  Finally I got up and left and walked to the elevator.  When I pushed the up button, the elevator came and 2 ladies got off.  One of them is a 30 yr. old college student going for a degree in  Graphic Arts and the other lady is a 73 yr. old woman who is a stitch.  They looked at me and said:  "where ya going?"  I said upstairs.  They said: "come talk to us.  So I went back to the community room and sat and chatted with them for 3 hrs.  During this 3 hrs. Andy kept turning the tv up.  At one point it was so loud I couldn’t hear myself think.  During our conversations we talked about stuff that wasn’t getting fixed in apartments, one being my fridge.  I have reported to management for months that my fridge didn’t work.  The maintnance guy kept telling me it was fine.  The young girl was upset because no one was doing anything about the water that seeped into her apartment last year and how damp it is this year.  I said:  Have you checked for mold??  I told her it was the building  owners that were responsible for the mold. Then the 73 yr. old said: yeah, keep on them or they won’t do anything.
At  10pm the 3 of us left and went to our seperate apartments.

Wednesday afternoon I got home from helping a friend to find a note on my door.  Carol please meet with me in my office Thurs. at 3pm  Manager.

I thought, hey maybe they would fix my fridge.  I get to the meeting and the 2 other ladies that had been with me on Tuesday night were there along with a counselor representative.

I’m like:  What’s the scoop?  The manager said:  It has been reported to me that you  3 were making bad statements about Jenor and this is how stuff circulates into the community.  I looked at her and said:  Andy said something didn’t he?  She said no.  I said: yeah he did.  He was the only other one down there besides us 3.  I looked at the other 2 ladies and said: you didn’t say anything did you?  Both denied and agreed with me that it was Andy that was the tattle tale.  Then I looked at the manager and asked why he wasn’t down there since he was the accuser.  She said he didn’t need to be there.  I looked at her and said: then it was him wasn’t it?  She admitted it was.  I said: who cares if I said something about my fridge to L and M?  Like they were going out in the community and saying stuff.  None of us would do that.  The manager looked at me and said: if you have problems with things come to me.  I said:  I have been, but no one does anything about it.  I’ve told you since last november that the fridge didn’t freeze and everyone kept saying turn up the dial.  I turned up the dial, still didn’t work.  The maintence dude came and tried leveling it and told me to rearrange my stuff because it was popping open the door, I did it, still nothing was cold.  So I called you the other day and said: get up here because everything is warm and my food is now spoiled.  No one came.  So yeah, I’m pissed.  I’m not telling ya this to make the building spend money, but it’s for my safety and this building provides the stoves and fridges.

We settled the chat by just saying that Andy was a tattletale and that we’d be careful what we said around him.  I actually told the manager he has vengence against me. And if I wouldn’t have been there, nothing would have been said at all.

Friday night I went back downstairs to put pieces into the jigsaw and Andy and Melton were watching the news.  Melton is a 90 yr old gentleman.  Sweet as applepie.  He feeds the squirrels.  Andy says to Melton:  so was your light bill expensive this month?  I thought to myself:  that is none of your business, Andy.  Melton said: nope it was $19.  I live on the ground floor and have no A/C.  Andy looked at him and said:  mine was $24.  and I don’t use my A/C unless I’m just about dying.  I thought to myself, mine was $0 because I paid 3 months in advance, but I didn’t say anything.

Joan, one of the senior ladies came down and said: "so I see you’re puzzling again."  I said yeah I liked doing the puzzle.  We chatted about family, friends, church, and what she was doing this weekend.  She asked me if anything new was happening for me and I said: I got a new fridge and it works really good. (she had been downstairs when I had mentioned something on tuesday night.  Andy must have not seen her.)
With that, Andy got up and stomped across the community room floor and headed to the elevator.  Joan looked at me and said:  what did we do?  I looked at her and said:  you didn’t do anything, it’s all about me.  With that she got up and went after Andy.
She caught up to him at the elevator and asked him:  "why did you stomp across the floor like that?"  He looked at her and said:  Carol gets everything she wants, it’s not fair to the rest of us."  Joan looked at him and said:  "don’t you think that a non-working fridge should be changed for a new one?"  He looked at her and said:  "she doesn’t deserve anything.  She’s nothing but a greedy bitch.  She makes it hard for everyone else in here.  Nobody likes her and they want her out."  With that he hopped onto the elevator.  I heard Joan say to him that wasn’t true.

Joan came back to me and said:  "are you ok?  I’m like yeah.  I just can’t figure out why he’s so jealous of me.  I don’t have everything I need.  I do without more than most people.  She looked at me and said:  "don’t you believe any of this crap about people not liking you.  You are one of the nicest people we’ve had in this building in a long time.  You make people happy."  She hugged me and went up to her apartment.

I put in a few more puzzle pieces and then I came upstairs.

Honestly I don’t know what I’ve done.  But I do know this:  I spoke to my Pastor and I told him that I don’t want to be friends with Andy anymore.  I’m tired of being treated like dirt.  He’s abusive and he doesn’t know it.  So I’m shaking the dust off my feet and I’m moving on.  Pastor Jeff agreed with me and said he’d pray for my wisdom in this matter.  I told him I was fine.  And I am.

I’m chilling at Chris’.  He’s at camp.  He set me up an acct. on his computer.  So after my nap this afternoon, I came here to write and read  diaries, fb, email and do some searches on some stuff so I don’t have to go to the library in the heat.  

Take care everyone.  Stay cool, love one another.

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