Love, love is strange.

A few weeks ago I was complaining to a friend that I have no plans anymore.  As in not even for the next day.  I work, I have my days off ..  that’s about it.  The most plans I make are coffee dates, and plans to meet up with people the next day and whatnot.  So, I made some.  I have friends that are going to Australia for at least a year, maybe two, so I’m going to meet up with them in September for a few months, then come back and possibly get back to school.  I’m in love with B.C. summers, so there’s no way I’m going to go until after this summer.  And this way I have a chance to save up a bit more and get a visa and whatnot.  I’m freakin’ excited, people.  I’m just also a bit sleepy since I had a full day today.

Oooooh, and I played the new Nintendo Wii last night, and I’m actually SORE.  Isn’t that sad?  Of course we were playing it for like three hours.

I have not bought new underwear in like .. two months.  And I have a (non-creepy) fetish about underwear, I have a million and always want more.  I just realized today that this is the first time in years I’ve gone a month without buying some.  Weird.

Uhh, goodnight.  Lol.

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February 18, 2007

I made a very grown up decision to use capitals for this entry. Ooh la la.

February 19, 2007

i have a fetish for tights and long johns. australia…dude, that would be awesome. DOOD….AWESOME. sorry. you are a pimp too. <3

February 20, 2007

i’m sighing too. i think i do have more guy friends. doesn’t mean i get any, though. the boys like my vulgar sense of humor and hobo-like qualities. i freak the girly girls out. i’ll keep you posted on this rocky thing. <3

March 3, 2007

Specifically more.. or generally more?