What’s the Big Issue here?

It’s been raining today, hurray! A week’s worth of snow and ice is disappearing.

I really need a new phone, every day a little bit more of it dies. It’s an iPhone 3G, it’s about four years old and it’s deleting apps, shutting down randomly, apps crashing randomly. I could get a new phone right now, but I like the contract I’m on (which is now rolling monthly so I can leave whenever I want) and, yeah, it’s a hassle because the best contract I can find with a free iPhone 4 is on a different network, so I’d have to ring up my network for my PAC code (as I want to keep the same number) then go through the spiel while they to persuade me to stay. I really should just do it, it’s probably easier than living with a half dead phone.

I’m worried about my car. After struggling through the snow and ice for a week it’s started behaving oddly. When I’m pulling away, obviously in first gear, it vibrates/ bounces violently, but it’s ok in every other gear. It doesn’t feel like it’s going to stall, giving it extra revs doesn’t stop it. I have no idea why it’s doing this but it feels expensive :o(
Speaking of my car, I had a look at my bank statement for the last month and it reads: petrol, Lovefilm, petrol, petrol, Orange, Dog’s Trust, petrol, petrol, JustGiving, petrol. This I do not like! I spent almost £200 on petrol in the space of a month! I need a job closer to home…

I bought a Big Issue today, something which I’ve shamefully only done once before. It was a combination of several things. Reading the Book A Street Cat Named Bob really highlights the difficulties and problems a Big Issue seller faces. Hearing about two Big Issue sellers who were murdered on the street in Birmingham a couple of weeks ago. And the horrible weather always makes me worry about homeless people. I can’t imagine trying to find somewhere to sleep when it’s snowing, wet, windy and freezing cold.

The bloke I bought it off was really friendly. The magazine costs £2.50 so I gave him £3. He offered me my change and when I said no, he seemed genuinely surprised and grateful, as if I’d tipped him £50 instead of 50p. He has a gorgeous dog with him, which he said belonged to his mate and he was looking after him for a few hours (I’m sure he was also boosting his sales!) The dog was the shape of a Staffy but the colours of a Rottweiller and was licking everyone to death! While I was chatting to the bloke, two other people came up; one lady obviouly knew him and another man who gave him a few cigarettes. This man is clearly well known and liked. I hope he has somewhere warm and dry to sleep tonight.

When I heard about Tesco and Burger King throwing out thousands of burgers because they had horse DNA in them, it made me really mad. Firstly, thousands of animals have died for no reason and secondly, I’m sure there are plenty of homeless shelters who would have welcomed them. Hell, I would have had them, it makes no difference to me if I’m eating a cow or a horse.

My sister and I have decided we’re going to Download Festival this year! I like the look of the line-up for all three days, I can’t wait. I went to Download in 2005, but I only lived about 7 miles away at the time and went home every night, plus I was working as a photographer so couldn’t immerse myself in the experience properly.
(I had a surreal moment where I accidentally fell asleep in the press tent and woke up to see Corey Taylor from Slipknot walking about, in full Slipknot boiler suit and mask. I thought I was having a weird dream/nightmare!)

So this will be my first big festival and first time camping at one. I can’t wait! Loads of my friends are also going, it’s going to be great. We’re buying tickets for now, but chances are I might be able to get in for free as the company I work for are doing the stage lighting and they usually have spare tickets. We won’t find out until mid-May, though, so we need to buy them for now and we can sell them if we get in FOC. YAAAY! Is it June yet?

Dog Walker/ Pet Sitter available in the West Midlands.

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January 26, 2013

Weeeeeeeeee Download! I have a knack for only bumping into Big Issue sellers when I have exactly zero money, and I always feel like such a douchebag.

January 26, 2013

I love your sister. She’s made of awe. Plus I didn’t want to blab the whole free ticket thing. Just in case!

January 26, 2013

🙂 x

January 27, 2013

Free tickets sounds good! Good luck with finding a new phone, my friend managed to persuade Orange to match a deal she found with Tesco so maybe you’ll be able to sort something with your current provider. I hope your car is just grumpy in the cold and it’s nothing too serious.

January 27, 2013

Ryn: yes!

January 27, 2013

Good for Download! Hope your little Ka is ok, maybe it’s the clutch/pressure plate as you were revving it quite a lot during the snow. There’s an advert for a new Kia on your page– “hint”. I sometimes just give our big issue guy the money £1 from the trolley and don’t take a magazine.

January 30, 2013

ryn: With the exception of the gym, all the rest is just taking my kid to school/picking her up from school. :p The blood is because I have a broken tooth. It doesn’t hurt. It just likes to bleed, it seems.

January 31, 2013

RYN: Things to take what I can fit into a ruck sack!

January 31, 2013

Oh yeah, already been trying to find t-shirts on eBay! I know what I want, nothing fits the bill….

February 2, 2013

ryn: I’ve got until 11:59pm on September 26 to finish mine. I also have to come up with next year’s list by then too! 😀

February 3, 2013

upgrade to the iphone 5, or at very least the 4s, or else you’ll be finding the same problems you’re having now. Apple stop supporting older tech when they have newer releases, it’s worth just getting a new contract and chipping in towards a new phone